Other Competition
Contents List
UEFA EURO Qualifying
Team Ranking
Player Ranking
Coach Ranking
Referee Ranking
Game Ranking
Other Competition
Score Data
Shots Data
Result by Season
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result

UEFA EURO Qualifying

Result by Season Team Ranking Player Ranking Coach Ranking Referee Ranking Game Ranking Nationality Other Competition Attendance Score Data Shots Data
Season Top Game Result Ranking Player's Result by Team

Ranking 2008 Team Ranking (Away Games)

All Games Home Games Away Games
rank nat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 por Portugal 73 31 42.9% 107 142
1 pol Poland 73 31 42.9% 96 120
1 fin Finland 72 41 28.6% 52 90
1 srb Serbia 72 32 28.6% 138 172
1 bel Belgium 72 14 28.6% 411 171
1 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 14.3% 410 150
7 gre Greece 65 10 83.3% 113 130
7 ita Italy 65 01 83.3% 127 110
7 ger Germany 64 20 66.7% 223 100
7 cze Czech Republic 64 20 66.7% 121 60
7 nor Norway 64 11 66.7% 135 100
7 cro Croatia 64 11 66.7% 147 30
7 rou Romania 64 11 66.7% 93 151
7 swe Sweden 64 02 66.7% 106 90
7 fra France 63 21 50.0% 123 40
7 tur Turkey 63 21 50.0% 128 100
7 bul Bulgaria 63 21 50.0% 85 110
7 den Denmark 63 12 50.0% 104 91
7 eng England 63 12 50.0% 84 130
7 esp Spain 63 12 50.0% 107 131
7 rus Russia 63 12 50.0% 65 81
7 ned Netherlands 63 12 50.0% 54 130
7 isr Israel 63 12 50.0% 66 160
7 svk Slovakia 63 03 50.0% 158 130
7 sco Scotland 63 03 50.0% 57 121
7 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 33.3% 1110 141
7 wal Wales 62 13 33.3% 99 120
7 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 33.3% 56 111
7 ltu Lithuania 62 13 33.3% 57 160
7 alb Albania 61 32 16.7% 710 132
7 blr Belarus 62 04 33.3% 812 131
7 mda Moldova 62 04 33.3% 513 152
7 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 16.7% 66 130
7 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 16.7% 812 112
7 svn Slovenia 61 14 16.7% 511 140
7 ukr Ukraine 61 14 16.7% 410 120
7 est Estonia 61 14 16.7% 312 121
7 cyp Cyprus 61 14 16.7% 415 71
7 geo Georgia 61 05 16.7% 99 150
7 lva Latvia 61 05 16.7% 611 110
7 arm Armenia 61 05 16.7% 210 150
7 lux Luxembourg 61 05 16.7% 111 140
7 hun Hungary 61 05 16.7% 415 112
7 isl Iceland 61 05 16.7% 316 100
7 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 0.0% 215 181
7 mlt Malta 60 15 0.0% 115 81
7 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 0.0% 419 120
7 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 0.0% 324 81
7 and Andorra 60 06 0.0% 225 201
7 smr San Marino 60 06 0.0% 031 81
rank nat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 gre Greece 65 10 83.3% 113 130
1 ita Italy 65 01 83.3% 127 110
3 ger Germany 64 20 66.7% 223 100
3 cze Czech Republic 64 20 66.7% 121 60
3 nor Norway 64 11 66.7% 135 100
3 cro Croatia 64 11 66.7% 147 30
3 rou Romania 64 11 66.7% 93 151
3 swe Sweden 64 02 66.7% 106 90
9 fra France 63 21 50.0% 123 40
9 tur Turkey 63 21 50.0% 128 100
9 bul Bulgaria 63 21 50.0% 85 110
9 por Portugal 73 31 42.9% 107 142
9 pol Poland 73 31 42.9% 96 120
9 den Denmark 63 12 50.0% 104 91
9 eng England 63 12 50.0% 84 130
9 esp Spain 63 12 50.0% 107 131
9 rus Russia 63 12 50.0% 65 81
9 ned Netherlands 63 12 50.0% 54 130
9 isr Israel 63 12 50.0% 66 160
9 svk Slovakia 63 03 50.0% 158 130
9 sco Scotland 63 03 50.0% 57 121
22 fin Finland 72 41 28.6% 52 90
22 srb Serbia 72 32 28.6% 138 172
22 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 33.3% 1110 141
22 wal Wales 62 13 33.3% 99 120
22 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 33.3% 56 111
22 ltu Lithuania 62 13 33.3% 57 160
22 blr Belarus 62 04 33.3% 812 131
22 bel Belgium 72 14 28.6% 411 171
22 mda Moldova 62 04 33.3% 513 152
31 alb Albania 61 32 16.7% 710 132
31 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 16.7% 66 130
31 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 16.7% 812 112
31 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 14.3% 410 150
31 svn Slovenia 61 14 16.7% 511 140
31 ukr Ukraine 61 14 16.7% 410 120
31 est Estonia 61 14 16.7% 312 121
31 cyp Cyprus 61 14 16.7% 415 71
31 geo Georgia 61 05 16.7% 99 150
31 lva Latvia 61 05 16.7% 611 110
31 arm Armenia 61 05 16.7% 210 150
31 lux Luxembourg 61 05 16.7% 111 140
31 hun Hungary 61 05 16.7% 415 112
31 isl Iceland 61 05 16.7% 316 100
45 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 0.0% 215 181
45 mlt Malta 60 15 0.0% 115 81
45 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 0.0% 419 120
45 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 0.0% 324 81
45 and Andorra 60 06 0.0% 225 201
45 smr San Marino 60 06 0.0% 031 81
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 fin Finland 72 41 28.6% 52 90
2 por Portugal 73 31 42.9% 107 142
2 pol Poland 73 31 42.9% 96 120
2 srb Serbia 72 32 28.6% 138 172
2 alb Albania 61 32 16.7% 710 132
6 ger Germany 64 20 66.7% 223 100
6 cze Czech Republic 64 20 66.7% 121 60
6 fra France 63 21 50.0% 123 40
6 tur Turkey 63 21 50.0% 128 100
6 bul Bulgaria 63 21 50.0% 85 110
6 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 16.7% 66 130
6 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 16.7% 812 112
6 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 14.3% 410 150
14 gre Greece 65 10 83.3% 113 130
14 nor Norway 64 11 66.7% 135 100
14 cro Croatia 64 11 66.7% 147 30
14 rou Romania 64 11 66.7% 93 151
14 den Denmark 63 12 50.0% 104 91
14 eng England 63 12 50.0% 84 130
14 esp Spain 63 12 50.0% 107 131
14 rus Russia 63 12 50.0% 65 81
14 ned Netherlands 63 12 50.0% 54 130
14 isr Israel 63 12 50.0% 66 160
14 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 33.3% 1110 141
14 wal Wales 62 13 33.3% 99 120
14 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 33.3% 56 111
14 ltu Lithuania 62 13 33.3% 57 160
14 bel Belgium 72 14 28.6% 411 171
14 svn Slovenia 61 14 16.7% 511 140
14 ukr Ukraine 61 14 16.7% 410 120
14 est Estonia 61 14 16.7% 312 121
14 cyp Cyprus 61 14 16.7% 415 71
14 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 0.0% 215 181
14 mlt Malta 60 15 0.0% 115 81
14 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 0.0% 419 120
36 ita Italy 65 01 83.3% 127 110
36 swe Sweden 64 02 66.7% 106 90
36 svk Slovakia 63 03 50.0% 158 130
36 sco Scotland 63 03 50.0% 57 121
36 blr Belarus 62 04 33.3% 812 131
36 mda Moldova 62 04 33.3% 513 152
36 geo Georgia 61 05 16.7% 99 150
36 lva Latvia 61 05 16.7% 611 110
36 arm Armenia 61 05 16.7% 210 150
36 lux Luxembourg 61 05 16.7% 111 140
36 hun Hungary 61 05 16.7% 415 112
36 isl Iceland 61 05 16.7% 316 100
36 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 0.0% 324 81
36 and Andorra 60 06 0.0% 225 201
36 smr San Marino 60 06 0.0% 031 81
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 smr San Marino 60 06 0.0% 031 81
1 and Andorra 60 06 0.0% 225 201
1 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 0.0% 324 81
4 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 0.0% 419 120
4 mlt Malta 60 15 0.0% 115 81
4 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 0.0% 215 181
4 isl Iceland 61 05 16.7% 316 100
4 hun Hungary 61 05 16.7% 415 112
4 lux Luxembourg 61 05 16.7% 111 140
4 arm Armenia 61 05 16.7% 210 150
4 lva Latvia 61 05 16.7% 611 110
4 geo Georgia 61 05 16.7% 99 150
13 cyp Cyprus 61 14 16.7% 415 71
13 est Estonia 61 14 16.7% 312 121
13 svn Slovenia 61 14 16.7% 511 140
13 ukr Ukraine 61 14 16.7% 410 120
13 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 14.3% 410 150
13 mda Moldova 62 04 33.3% 513 152
13 bel Belgium 72 14 28.6% 411 171
13 blr Belarus 62 04 33.3% 812 131
21 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 16.7% 812 112
21 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 16.7% 66 130
21 ltu Lithuania 62 13 33.3% 57 160
21 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 33.3% 56 111
21 wal Wales 62 13 33.3% 99 120
21 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 33.3% 1110 141
21 sco Scotland 63 03 50.0% 57 121
21 svk Slovakia 63 03 50.0% 158 130
29 alb Albania 61 32 16.7% 710 132
29 srb Serbia 72 32 28.6% 138 172
29 isr Israel 63 12 50.0% 66 160
29 rus Russia 63 12 50.0% 65 81
29 ned Netherlands 63 12 50.0% 54 130
29 esp Spain 63 12 50.0% 107 131
29 eng England 63 12 50.0% 84 130
29 den Denmark 63 12 50.0% 104 91
29 swe Sweden 64 02 66.7% 106 90
38 fin Finland 72 41 28.6% 52 90
38 por Portugal 73 31 42.9% 107 142
38 pol Poland 73 31 42.9% 96 120
38 bul Bulgaria 63 21 50.0% 85 110
38 tur Turkey 63 21 50.0% 128 100
38 fra France 63 21 50.0% 123 40
38 rou Romania 64 11 66.7% 93 151
38 cro Croatia 64 11 66.7% 147 30
38 nor Norway 64 11 66.7% 135 100
38 ita Italy 65 01 83.3% 127 110
48 cze Czech Republic 64 20 66.7% 121 60
48 ger Germany 64 20 66.7% 223 100
48 gre Greece 65 10 83.3% 113 130
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 ger Germany 64 20 22 3.7 3 0.5 100
2 svk Slovakia 63 03 15 2.5 8 1.3 130
3 cro Croatia 64 11 14 2.3 7 1.2 30
4 nor Norway 64 11 13 2.2 5 0.8 100
4 srb Serbia 72 32 13 1.9 8 1.1 172
6 ita Italy 65 01 12 2.0 7 1.2 110
6 cze Czech Republic 64 20 12 2.0 1 0.2 60
6 fra France 63 21 12 2.0 3 0.5 40
6 tur Turkey 63 21 12 2.0 8 1.3 100
10 gre Greece 65 10 11 1.8 3 0.5 130
10 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 11 1.8 10 1.7 141
12 swe Sweden 64 02 10 1.7 6 1.0 90
12 den Denmark 63 12 10 1.7 4 0.7 91
12 esp Spain 63 12 10 1.7 7 1.2 131
12 por Portugal 73 31 10 1.4 7 1.0 142
16 rou Romania 64 11 9 1.5 3 0.5 151
16 wal Wales 62 13 9 1.5 9 1.5 120
16 geo Georgia 61 05 9 1.5 9 1.5 150
16 pol Poland 73 31 9 1.3 6 0.9 120
20 bul Bulgaria 63 21 8 1.3 5 0.8 110
20 eng England 63 12 8 1.3 4 0.7 130
20 blr Belarus 62 04 8 1.3 12 2.0 131
20 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 8 1.3 12 2.0 112
24 alb Albania 61 32 7 1.2 10 1.7 132
25 rus Russia 63 12 6 1.0 5 0.8 81
25 isr Israel 63 12 6 1.0 6 1.0 160
25 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 6 1.0 6 1.0 130
25 lva Latvia 61 05 6 1.0 11 1.8 110
29 ned Netherlands 63 12 5 0.8 4 0.7 130
29 sco Scotland 63 03 5 0.8 7 1.2 121
29 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 5 0.8 6 1.0 111
29 ltu Lithuania 62 13 5 0.8 7 1.2 160
29 mda Moldova 62 04 5 0.8 13 2.2 152
29 svn Slovenia 61 14 5 0.8 11 1.8 140
29 fin Finland 72 41 5 0.7 2 0.3 90
36 ukr Ukraine 61 14 4 0.7 10 1.7 120
36 cyp Cyprus 61 14 4 0.7 15 2.5 71
36 hun Hungary 61 05 4 0.7 15 2.5 112
36 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 4 0.7 19 3.2 120
36 bel Belgium 72 14 4 0.6 11 1.6 171
36 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 150
42 est Estonia 61 14 3 0.5 12 2.0 121
42 isl Iceland 61 05 3 0.5 16 2.7 100
42 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 3 0.5 24 4.0 81
45 arm Armenia 61 05 2 0.3 10 1.7 150
45 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 2 0.3 15 2.5 181
45 and Andorra 60 06 2 0.3 25 4.2 201
48 lux Luxembourg 61 05 1 0.2 11 1.8 140
48 mlt Malta 60 15 1 0.2 15 2.5 81
50 smr San Marino 60 06 0 0.0 31 5.2 81
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 ger Germany 64 20 22 3.7 3 0.5 100
2 svk Slovakia 63 03 15 2.5 8 1.3 130
3 cro Croatia 64 11 14 2.3 7 1.2 30
4 nor Norway 64 11 13 2.2 5 0.8 100
5 ita Italy 65 01 12 2.0 7 1.2 110
5 cze Czech Republic 64 20 12 2.0 1 0.2 60
5 fra France 63 21 12 2.0 3 0.5 40
5 tur Turkey 63 21 12 2.0 8 1.3 100
9 srb Serbia 72 32 13 1.9 8 1.1 172
10 gre Greece 65 10 11 1.8 3 0.5 130
10 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 11 1.8 10 1.7 141
12 swe Sweden 64 02 10 1.7 6 1.0 90
12 den Denmark 63 12 10 1.7 4 0.7 91
12 esp Spain 63 12 10 1.7 7 1.2 131
15 rou Romania 64 11 9 1.5 3 0.5 151
15 wal Wales 62 13 9 1.5 9 1.5 120
15 geo Georgia 61 05 9 1.5 9 1.5 150
18 por Portugal 73 31 10 1.4 7 1.0 142
19 bul Bulgaria 63 21 8 1.3 5 0.8 110
19 eng England 63 12 8 1.3 4 0.7 130
19 blr Belarus 62 04 8 1.3 12 2.0 131
19 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 8 1.3 12 2.0 112
23 pol Poland 73 31 9 1.3 6 0.9 120
24 alb Albania 61 32 7 1.2 10 1.7 132
25 rus Russia 63 12 6 1.0 5 0.8 81
25 isr Israel 63 12 6 1.0 6 1.0 160
25 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 6 1.0 6 1.0 130
25 lva Latvia 61 05 6 1.0 11 1.8 110
29 ned Netherlands 63 12 5 0.8 4 0.7 130
29 sco Scotland 63 03 5 0.8 7 1.2 121
29 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 5 0.8 6 1.0 111
29 ltu Lithuania 62 13 5 0.8 7 1.2 160
29 mda Moldova 62 04 5 0.8 13 2.2 152
29 svn Slovenia 61 14 5 0.8 11 1.8 140
35 fin Finland 72 41 5 0.7 2 0.3 90
36 ukr Ukraine 61 14 4 0.7 10 1.7 120
36 cyp Cyprus 61 14 4 0.7 15 2.5 71
36 hun Hungary 61 05 4 0.7 15 2.5 112
36 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 4 0.7 19 3.2 120
40 bel Belgium 72 14 4 0.6 11 1.6 171
40 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 150
42 est Estonia 61 14 3 0.5 12 2.0 121
42 isl Iceland 61 05 3 0.5 16 2.7 100
42 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 3 0.5 24 4.0 81
45 arm Armenia 61 05 2 0.3 10 1.7 150
45 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 2 0.3 15 2.5 181
45 and Andorra 60 06 2 0.3 25 4.2 201
48 lux Luxembourg 61 05 1 0.2 11 1.8 140
48 mlt Malta 60 15 1 0.2 15 2.5 81
50 smr San Marino 60 06 0 0.0 31 5.2 81
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 smr San Marino 60 06 0 0.0 31 5.2 81
2 and Andorra 60 06 2 0.3 25 4.2 201
3 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 3 0.5 24 4.0 81
4 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 4 0.7 19 3.2 120
5 isl Iceland 61 05 3 0.5 16 2.7 100
6 mlt Malta 60 15 1 0.2 15 2.5 81
6 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 2 0.3 15 2.5 181
6 hun Hungary 61 05 4 0.7 15 2.5 112
6 cyp Cyprus 61 14 4 0.7 15 2.5 71
10 mda Moldova 62 04 5 0.8 13 2.2 152
11 est Estonia 61 14 3 0.5 12 2.0 121
11 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 8 1.3 12 2.0 112
11 blr Belarus 62 04 8 1.3 12 2.0 131
14 lux Luxembourg 61 05 1 0.2 11 1.8 140
14 lva Latvia 61 05 6 1.0 11 1.8 110
14 svn Slovenia 61 14 5 0.8 11 1.8 140
14 bel Belgium 72 14 4 0.6 11 1.6 171
18 arm Armenia 61 05 2 0.3 10 1.7 150
18 ukr Ukraine 61 14 4 0.7 10 1.7 120
18 alb Albania 61 32 7 1.2 10 1.7 132
18 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 11 1.8 10 1.7 141
18 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 150
23 geo Georgia 61 05 9 1.5 9 1.5 150
23 wal Wales 62 13 9 1.5 9 1.5 120
25 svk Slovakia 63 03 15 2.5 8 1.3 130
25 tur Turkey 63 21 12 2.0 8 1.3 100
25 srb Serbia 72 32 13 1.9 8 1.1 172
28 ltu Lithuania 62 13 5 0.8 7 1.2 160
28 sco Scotland 63 03 5 0.8 7 1.2 121
28 esp Spain 63 12 10 1.7 7 1.2 131
28 cro Croatia 64 11 14 2.3 7 1.2 30
28 ita Italy 65 01 12 2.0 7 1.2 110
28 por Portugal 73 31 10 1.4 7 1.0 142
34 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 6 1.0 6 1.0 130
34 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 5 0.8 6 1.0 111
34 isr Israel 63 12 6 1.0 6 1.0 160
34 swe Sweden 64 02 10 1.7 6 1.0 90
34 pol Poland 73 31 9 1.3 6 0.9 120
39 rus Russia 63 12 6 1.0 5 0.8 81
39 bul Bulgaria 63 21 8 1.3 5 0.8 110
39 nor Norway 64 11 13 2.2 5 0.8 100
42 ned Netherlands 63 12 5 0.8 4 0.7 130
42 eng England 63 12 8 1.3 4 0.7 130
42 den Denmark 63 12 10 1.7 4 0.7 91
45 fra France 63 21 12 2.0 3 0.5 40
45 rou Romania 64 11 9 1.5 3 0.5 151
45 ger Germany 64 20 22 3.7 3 0.5 100
45 gre Greece 65 10 11 1.8 3 0.5 130
49 fin Finland 72 41 5 0.7 2 0.3 90
50 cze Czech Republic 64 20 12 2.0 1 0.2 60
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 smr San Marino 60 06 0 0.0 31 5.2 81
2 and Andorra 60 06 2 0.3 25 4.2 201
3 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 3 0.5 24 4.0 81
4 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 4 0.7 19 3.2 120
5 isl Iceland 61 05 3 0.5 16 2.7 100
6 mlt Malta 60 15 1 0.2 15 2.5 81
6 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 2 0.3 15 2.5 181
6 hun Hungary 61 05 4 0.7 15 2.5 112
6 cyp Cyprus 61 14 4 0.7 15 2.5 71
10 mda Moldova 62 04 5 0.8 13 2.2 152
11 est Estonia 61 14 3 0.5 12 2.0 121
11 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 8 1.3 12 2.0 112
11 blr Belarus 62 04 8 1.3 12 2.0 131
14 lux Luxembourg 61 05 1 0.2 11 1.8 140
14 lva Latvia 61 05 6 1.0 11 1.8 110
14 svn Slovenia 61 14 5 0.8 11 1.8 140
17 arm Armenia 61 05 2 0.3 10 1.7 150
17 ukr Ukraine 61 14 4 0.7 10 1.7 120
17 alb Albania 61 32 7 1.2 10 1.7 132
17 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 11 1.8 10 1.7 141
21 bel Belgium 72 14 4 0.6 11 1.6 171
22 geo Georgia 61 05 9 1.5 9 1.5 150
22 wal Wales 62 13 9 1.5 9 1.5 120
24 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 150
25 svk Slovakia 63 03 15 2.5 8 1.3 130
25 tur Turkey 63 21 12 2.0 8 1.3 100
27 ltu Lithuania 62 13 5 0.8 7 1.2 160
27 sco Scotland 63 03 5 0.8 7 1.2 121
27 esp Spain 63 12 10 1.7 7 1.2 131
27 cro Croatia 64 11 14 2.3 7 1.2 30
27 ita Italy 65 01 12 2.0 7 1.2 110
32 srb Serbia 72 32 13 1.9 8 1.1 172
33 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 6 1.0 6 1.0 130
33 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 5 0.8 6 1.0 111
33 isr Israel 63 12 6 1.0 6 1.0 160
33 por Portugal 73 31 10 1.4 7 1.0 142
33 swe Sweden 64 02 10 1.7 6 1.0 90
38 pol Poland 73 31 9 1.3 6 0.9 120
39 rus Russia 63 12 6 1.0 5 0.8 81
39 bul Bulgaria 63 21 8 1.3 5 0.8 110
39 nor Norway 64 11 13 2.2 5 0.8 100
42 ned Netherlands 63 12 5 0.8 4 0.7 130
42 eng England 63 12 8 1.3 4 0.7 130
42 den Denmark 63 12 10 1.7 4 0.7 91
45 fra France 63 21 12 2.0 3 0.5 40
45 rou Romania 64 11 9 1.5 3 0.5 151
45 ger Germany 64 20 22 3.7 3 0.5 100
45 gre Greece 65 10 11 1.8 3 0.5 130
49 fin Finland 72 41 5 0.7 2 0.3 90
50 cze Czech Republic 64 20 12 2.0 1 0.2 60
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyave.r
1 and Andorra 60 06 225 203.31
2 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 215 183.01
3 srb Serbia 72 32 138 172.42
3 bel Belgium 72 14 411 172.41
5 isr Israel 63 12 66 162.70
5 ltu Lithuania 62 13 57 162.70
7 mda Moldova 62 04 513 152.52
7 rou Romania 64 11 93 152.51
7 arm Armenia 61 05 210 152.50
7 geo Georgia 61 05 99 152.50
7 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 410 152.10
12 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 1110 142.31
12 svn Slovenia 61 14 511 142.30
12 lux Luxembourg 61 05 111 142.30
12 por Portugal 73 31 107 142.02
16 alb Albania 61 32 710 132.22
16 esp Spain 63 12 107 132.21
16 blr Belarus 62 04 812 132.21
16 eng England 63 12 84 132.20
16 ned Netherlands 63 12 54 132.20
16 gre Greece 65 10 113 132.20
16 svk Slovakia 63 03 158 132.20
16 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 66 132.20
24 est Estonia 61 14 312 122.01
24 sco Scotland 63 03 57 122.01
24 wal Wales 62 13 99 122.00
24 ukr Ukraine 61 14 410 122.00
24 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 419 122.00
24 pol Poland 73 31 96 121.70
30 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 812 111.82
30 hun Hungary 61 05 415 111.82
30 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 56 111.81
30 ita Italy 65 01 127 111.80
30 bul Bulgaria 63 21 85 111.80
30 lva Latvia 61 05 611 111.80
36 ger Germany 64 20 223 101.70
36 isl Iceland 61 05 316 101.70
36 tur Turkey 63 21 128 101.70
36 nor Norway 64 11 135 101.70
40 den Denmark 63 12 104 91.51
40 swe Sweden 64 02 106 91.50
40 fin Finland 72 41 52 91.30
43 smr San Marino 60 06 031 81.31
43 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 324 81.31
43 mlt Malta 60 15 115 81.31
43 rus Russia 63 12 65 81.31
47 cyp Cyprus 61 14 415 71.21
48 cze Czech Republic 64 20 121 61.00
49 fra France 63 21 123 40.70
50 cro Croatia 64 11 147 30.50
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyave.r
1 and Andorra 60 06 225 203.31
2 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 215 183.01
3 isr Israel 63 12 66 162.70
3 ltu Lithuania 62 13 57 162.70
5 mda Moldova 62 04 513 152.52
5 rou Romania 64 11 93 152.51
5 arm Armenia 61 05 210 152.50
5 geo Georgia 61 05 99 152.50
9 srb Serbia 72 32 138 172.42
9 bel Belgium 72 14 411 172.41
11 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 1110 142.31
11 svn Slovenia 61 14 511 142.30
11 lux Luxembourg 61 05 111 142.30
14 alb Albania 61 32 710 132.22
14 esp Spain 63 12 107 132.21
14 blr Belarus 62 04 812 132.21
14 eng England 63 12 84 132.20
14 ned Netherlands 63 12 54 132.20
14 gre Greece 65 10 113 132.20
14 svk Slovakia 63 03 158 132.20
14 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 66 132.20
22 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 410 152.10
23 por Portugal 73 31 107 142.02
23 est Estonia 61 14 312 122.01
23 sco Scotland 63 03 57 122.01
23 wal Wales 62 13 99 122.00
23 ukr Ukraine 61 14 410 122.00
23 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 419 122.00
29 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 812 111.82
29 hun Hungary 61 05 415 111.82
29 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 56 111.81
29 ita Italy 65 01 127 111.80
29 bul Bulgaria 63 21 85 111.80
29 lva Latvia 61 05 611 111.80
35 pol Poland 73 31 96 121.70
36 ger Germany 64 20 223 101.70
36 isl Iceland 61 05 316 101.70
36 tur Turkey 63 21 128 101.70
36 nor Norway 64 11 135 101.70
40 den Denmark 63 12 104 91.51
40 swe Sweden 64 02 106 91.50
42 smr San Marino 60 06 031 81.31
42 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 324 81.31
42 mlt Malta 60 15 115 81.31
42 rus Russia 63 12 65 81.31
46 fin Finland 72 41 52 91.30
47 cyp Cyprus 61 14 415 71.21
48 cze Czech Republic 64 20 121 61.00
49 fra France 63 21 123 40.70
50 cro Croatia 64 11 147 30.50
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyave.r
1 srb Serbia 72 32 138 172.42
1 mda Moldova 62 04 513 152.52
1 por Portugal 73 31 107 142.02
1 alb Albania 61 32 710 132.22
1 irl Republic of Ireland 61 23 812 111.82
1 hun Hungary 61 05 415 111.82
7 and Andorra 60 06 225 203.31
7 aze Azerbaijan 60 15 215 183.01
7 bel Belgium 72 14 411 172.41
7 rou Romania 64 11 93 152.51
7 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 62 13 1110 142.31
7 esp Spain 63 12 107 132.21
7 blr Belarus 62 04 812 132.21
7 est Estonia 61 14 312 122.01
7 sco Scotland 63 03 57 122.01
7 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 62 13 56 111.81
7 den Denmark 63 12 104 91.51
7 smr San Marino 60 06 031 81.31
7 fro Faroe Islands 60 06 324 81.31
7 mlt Malta 60 15 115 81.31
7 rus Russia 63 12 65 81.31
7 cyp Cyprus 61 14 415 71.21
23 isr Israel 63 12 66 162.70
23 ltu Lithuania 62 13 57 162.70
23 arm Armenia 61 05 210 152.50
23 kaz Kazakhstan 71 24 410 152.10
23 geo Georgia 61 05 99 152.50
23 svn Slovenia 61 14 511 142.30
23 lux Luxembourg 61 05 111 142.30
23 eng England 63 12 84 132.20
23 ned Netherlands 63 12 54 132.20
23 gre Greece 65 10 113 132.20
23 svk Slovakia 63 03 158 132.20
23 nir Northern Ireland 61 23 66 132.20
23 wal Wales 62 13 99 122.00
23 ukr Ukraine 61 14 410 122.00
23 pol Poland 73 31 96 121.70
23 lie Liechtenstein 60 15 419 122.00
23 ita Italy 65 01 127 111.80
23 bul Bulgaria 63 21 85 111.80
23 lva Latvia 61 05 611 111.80
23 ger Germany 64 20 223 101.70
23 isl Iceland 61 05 316 101.70
23 tur Turkey 63 21 128 101.70
23 nor Norway 64 11 135 101.70
23 swe Sweden 64 02 106 91.50
23 fin Finland 72 41 52 91.30
23 cze Czech Republic 64 20 121 61.00
23 fra France 63 21 123 40.70
23 cro Croatia 64 11 147 30.50
rank nat.name pointsmatcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyr
1 gre Greece 2.6765 10 113 130
2 ita Italy 2.5065 01 127 110
3 ger Germany 2.3364 20 223 100
3 cze Czech Republic 2.3364 20 121 60
5 nor Norway 2.1764 11 135 100
5 cro Croatia 2.1764 11 147 30
5 rou Romania 2.1764 11 93 151
8 swe Sweden 2.0064 02 106 90
9 fra France 1.8363 21 123 40
9 tur Turkey 1.8363 21 128 100
9 bul Bulgaria 1.8363 21 85 110
12 por Portugal 1.7173 31 107 142
12 pol Poland 1.7173 31 96 120
14 den Denmark 1.6763 12 104 91
14 eng England 1.6763 12 84 130
14 esp Spain 1.6763 12 107 131
14 rus Russia 1.6763 12 65 81
14 ned Netherlands 1.6763 12 54 130
14 isr Israel 1.6763 12 66 160
20 svk Slovakia 1.5063 03 158 130
20 sco Scotland 1.5063 03 57 121
22 fin Finland 1.4372 41 52 90
23 srb Serbia 1.2972 32 138 172
24 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 1.1762 13 1110 141
24 wal Wales 1.1762 13 99 120
24 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 1.1762 13 56 111
24 ltu Lithuania 1.1762 13 57 160
28 alb Albania 1.0061 32 710 132
28 blr Belarus 1.0062 04 812 131
28 bel Belgium 1.0072 14 411 171
28 mda Moldova 1.0062 04 513 152
32 nir Northern Ireland 0.8361 23 66 130
32 irl Republic of Ireland 0.8361 23 812 112
34 kaz Kazakhstan 0.7171 24 410 150
35 svn Slovenia 0.6761 14 511 140
35 ukr Ukraine 0.6761 14 410 120
35 est Estonia 0.6761 14 312 121
35 cyp Cyprus 0.6761 14 415 71
39 geo Georgia 0.5061 05 99 150
39 lva Latvia 0.5061 05 611 110
39 arm Armenia 0.5061 05 210 150
39 lux Luxembourg 0.5061 05 111 140
39 hun Hungary 0.5061 05 415 112
39 isl Iceland 0.5061 05 316 100
45 aze Azerbaijan 0.1760 15 215 181
45 mlt Malta 0.1760 15 115 81
45 lie Liechtenstein 0.1760 15 419 120
48 fro Faroe Islands 0.0060 06 324 81
48 and Andorra 0.0060 06 225 201
48 smr San Marino 0.0060 06 031 81
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 ita Italy 55100.0%00
2 rou Romania 44100.0%00
2 cze Czech Republic 44100.0%00
2 nor Norway 5480.0%10
2 ger Germany 5480.0%10
2 gre Greece 5480.0%10
7 sco Scotland 33100.0%00
7 isr Israel 33100.0%00
7 ned Netherlands 33100.0%00
7 rus Russia 33100.0%00
7 bul Bulgaria 33100.0%00
7 fra France 33100.0%00
7 cro Croatia 33100.0%00
7 esp Spain 4375.0%01
7 eng England 4375.0%01
7 den Denmark 4375.0%01
7 por Portugal 4375.0%10
7 swe Sweden 4375.0%01
19 mda Moldova 22100.0%00
19 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 22100.0%00
19 srb Serbia 22100.0%00
19 fin Finland 22100.0%00
19 bel Belgium 3266.7%10
19 blr Belarus 3266.7%01
19 ltu Lithuania 3266.7%10
19 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 3266.7%01
19 svk Slovakia 3266.7%01
19 pol Poland 4250.0%20
29 isl Iceland 11100.0%00
29 hun Hungary 11100.0%00
29 lux Luxembourg 11100.0%00
29 arm Armenia 11100.0%00
29 geo Georgia 11100.0%00
29 svn Slovenia 11100.0%00
29 nir Northern Ireland 11100.0%00
29 alb Albania 11100.0%00
29 cyp Cyprus 2150.0%10
29 est Estonia 2150.0%10
29 ukr Ukraine 2150.0%10
29 kaz Kazakhstan 2150.0%01
29 wal Wales 2150.0%01
29 tur Turkey 2150.0%01
29 irl Republic of Ireland 3133.3%11
44 smr San Marino 000.0%00
44 and Andorra 000.0%00
44 fro Faroe Islands 000.0%00
44 lie Liechtenstein 000.0%00
44 mlt Malta 100.0%10
44 aze Azerbaijan 200.0%11
44 lva Latvia 000.0%00
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 aze Azerbaijan 200.0%11
1 irl Republic of Ireland 3133.3%11
1 kaz Kazakhstan 2150.0%01
1 wal Wales 2150.0%01
1 tur Turkey 2150.0%01
1 blr Belarus 3266.7%01
1 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 3266.7%01
1 svk Slovakia 3266.7%01
1 esp Spain 4375.0%01
1 eng England 4375.0%01
1 den Denmark 4375.0%01
1 swe Sweden 4375.0%01
13 smr San Marino 000.0%00
13 and Andorra 000.0%00
13 fro Faroe Islands 000.0%00
13 lie Liechtenstein 000.0%00
13 mlt Malta 100.0%10
13 lva Latvia 000.0%00
13 cyp Cyprus 2150.0%10
13 est Estonia 2150.0%10
13 ukr Ukraine 2150.0%10
13 pol Poland 4250.0%20
13 bel Belgium 3266.7%10
13 ltu Lithuania 3266.7%10
13 por Portugal 4375.0%10
13 nor Norway 5480.0%10
13 ger Germany 5480.0%10
13 gre Greece 5480.0%10
13 isl Iceland 11100.0%00
13 hun Hungary 11100.0%00
13 lux Luxembourg 11100.0%00
13 arm Armenia 11100.0%00
13 geo Georgia 11100.0%00
13 svn Slovenia 11100.0%00
13 nir Northern Ireland 11100.0%00
13 mda Moldova 22100.0%00
13 alb Albania 11100.0%00
13 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 22100.0%00
13 srb Serbia 22100.0%00
13 fin Finland 22100.0%00
13 sco Scotland 33100.0%00
13 isr Israel 33100.0%00
13 ned Netherlands 33100.0%00
13 rus Russia 33100.0%00
13 bul Bulgaria 33100.0%00
13 fra France 33100.0%00
13 rou Romania 44100.0%00
13 cro Croatia 33100.0%00
13 cze Czech Republic 44100.0%00
13 ita Italy 55100.0%00
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 tur Turkey 4250.0%20
2 gre Greece 11100.0%00
2 pol Poland 2150.0%01
2 swe Sweden 2150.0%01
2 cro Croatia 2150.0%01
2 wal Wales 3133.3%02
2 svk Slovakia 3133.3%02
2 lva Latvia 6116.7%05
9 smr San Marino 600.0%06
9 and Andorra 600.0%06
9 fro Faroe Islands 600.0%06
9 lie Liechtenstein 500.0%14
9 mlt Malta 500.0%05
9 aze Azerbaijan 400.0%04
9 isl Iceland 500.0%05
9 hun Hungary 500.0%05
9 lux Luxembourg 500.0%05
9 arm Armenia 500.0%05
9 geo Georgia 500.0%05
9 cyp Cyprus 400.0%04
9 est Estonia 400.0%04
9 ukr Ukraine 400.0%04
9 svn Slovenia 400.0%04
9 kaz Kazakhstan 400.0%13
9 irl Republic of Ireland 300.0%12
9 nir Northern Ireland 400.0%13
9 mda Moldova 400.0%04
9 bel Belgium 400.0%04
9 blr Belarus 300.0%03
9 alb Albania 300.0%12
9 ltu Lithuania 300.0%03
9 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 200.0%02
9 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 400.0%13
9 srb Serbia 400.0%22
9 fin Finland 100.0%01
9 sco Scotland 300.0%03
9 isr Israel 300.0%12
9 ned Netherlands 300.0%12
9 rus Russia 200.0%02
9 esp Spain 200.0%11
9 eng England 100.0%01
9 den Denmark 100.0%01
9 por Portugal 300.0%21
9 bul Bulgaria 300.0%21
9 fra France 200.0%11
9 rou Romania 100.0%01
9 nor Norway 100.0%01
9 cze Czech Republic 100.0%10
9 ger Germany 000.0%00
9 ita Italy 100.0%01
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 smr San Marino 600.0%06
1 and Andorra 600.0%06
1 fro Faroe Islands 600.0%06
4 mlt Malta 500.0%05
4 isl Iceland 500.0%05
4 hun Hungary 500.0%05
4 lux Luxembourg 500.0%05
4 arm Armenia 500.0%05
4 geo Georgia 500.0%05
4 lva Latvia 6116.7%05
11 lie Liechtenstein 500.0%14
11 aze Azerbaijan 400.0%04
11 cyp Cyprus 400.0%04
11 est Estonia 400.0%04
11 ukr Ukraine 400.0%04
11 svn Slovenia 400.0%04
11 mda Moldova 400.0%04
11 bel Belgium 400.0%04
19 kaz Kazakhstan 400.0%13
19 nir Northern Ireland 400.0%13
19 blr Belarus 300.0%03
19 ltu Lithuania 300.0%03
19 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 400.0%13
19 sco Scotland 300.0%03
25 irl Republic of Ireland 300.0%12
25 alb Albania 300.0%12
25 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 200.0%02
25 srb Serbia 400.0%22
25 isr Israel 300.0%12
25 ned Netherlands 300.0%12
25 rus Russia 200.0%02
25 wal Wales 3133.3%02
25 svk Slovakia 3133.3%02
34 fin Finland 100.0%01
34 esp Spain 200.0%11
34 eng England 100.0%01
34 den Denmark 100.0%01
34 por Portugal 300.0%21
34 bul Bulgaria 300.0%21
34 fra France 200.0%11
34 rou Romania 100.0%01
34 nor Norway 100.0%01
34 ita Italy 100.0%01
34 pol Poland 2150.0%01
34 swe Sweden 2150.0%01
34 cro Croatia 2150.0%01
47 cze Czech Republic 100.0%10
47 ger Germany 000.0%00
47 tur Turkey 4250.0%20
47 gre Greece 11100.0%00
rank nat.namescore 0 matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scored
1 smr San Marino 660 06 00.031
2 mlt Malta 560 15 10.215
2 isl Iceland 561 05 30.516
2 lux Luxembourg 561 05 10.211
2 arm Armenia 561 05 20.310
2 fin Finland 572 41 50.72
7 and Andorra 460 06 20.325
7 aze Azerbaijan 460 15 20.315
7 hun Hungary 461 05 40.715
7 est Estonia 461 14 30.512
7 svn Slovenia 461 14 50.811
7 bel Belgium 472 14 40.611
13 fro Faroe Islands 360 06 30.524
13 lva Latvia 361 05 61.011
13 geo Georgia 361 05 91.59
13 ukr Ukraine 361 14 40.710
13 nir Northern Ireland 361 23 61.06
13 mda Moldova 362 04 50.813
13 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 362 13 50.86
13 sco Scotland 363 03 50.87
13 kaz Kazakhstan 371 24 40.610
22 lie Liechtenstein 260 15 40.719
22 cyp Cyprus 261 14 40.715
22 irl Republic of Ireland 261 23 81.312
22 blr Belarus 262 04 81.312
22 alb Albania 261 32 71.210
22 ltu Lithuania 262 13 50.87
22 wal Wales 262 13 91.59
22 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 262 13 111.810
22 isr Israel 263 12 61.06
22 rus Russia 263 12 61.05
22 eng England 263 12 81.34
22 fra France 263 21 122.03
22 rou Romania 264 11 91.53
22 cro Croatia 264 11 142.37
22 pol Poland 273 31 91.36
37 svk Slovakia 163 03 152.58
37 ned Netherlands 163 12 50.84
37 esp Spain 163 12 101.77
37 den Denmark 163 12 101.74
37 bul Bulgaria 163 21 81.35
37 swe Sweden 164 02 101.76
37 nor Norway 164 11 132.25
37 cze Czech Republic 164 20 122.01
37 ger Germany 164 20 223.73
37 srb Serbia 172 32 131.98
47 tur Turkey 063 21 122.08
47 ita Italy 065 01 122.07
47 gre Greece 065 10 111.83
47 por Portugal 073 31 101.47
rank nat.namelost scored 0 matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredave.
1 cze Czech Republic 564 20 1210.2
1 fin Finland 572 41 520.3
3 rus Russia 463 12 650.8
3 eng England 463 12 840.7
3 den Denmark 463 12 1040.7
3 fra France 463 21 1230.5
3 gre Greece 465 10 1130.5
8 alb Albania 361 32 7101.7
8 mkd Republic of North Macedonia 362 13 561.0
8 ned Netherlands 363 12 540.7
8 bul Bulgaria 363 21 850.8
8 swe Sweden 364 02 1061.0
8 rou Romania 364 11 930.5
8 cro Croatia 364 11 1471.2
8 ger Germany 364 20 2230.5
8 pol Poland 373 31 960.9
17 svn Slovenia 261 14 5111.8
17 ltu Lithuania 262 13 571.2
17 sco Scotland 263 03 571.2
17 isr Israel 263 12 661.0
17 esp Spain 263 12 1071.2
17 nor Norway 264 11 1350.8
17 kaz Kazakhstan 271 24 4101.4
17 bel Belgium 272 14 4111.6
17 srb Serbia 272 32 1381.1
26 isl Iceland 161 05 3162.7
26 lux Luxembourg 161 05 1111.8
26 geo Georgia 161 05 991.5
26 cyp Cyprus 161 14 4152.5
26 est Estonia 161 14 3122.0
26 ukr Ukraine 161 14 4101.7
26 nir Northern Ireland 161 23 661.0
26 mda Moldova 162 04 5132.2
26 wal Wales 162 13 991.5
26 svk Slovakia 163 03 1581.3
26 tur Turkey 163 21 1281.3
26 ita Italy 165 01 1271.2
26 por Portugal 173 31 1071.0
39 smr San Marino 060 06 0315.2
39 and Andorra 060 06 2254.2
39 fro Faroe Islands 060 06 3244.0
39 lie Liechtenstein 060 15 4193.2
39 mlt Malta 060 15 1152.5
39 aze Azerbaijan 060 15 2152.5
39 hun Hungary 061 05 4152.5
39 arm Armenia 061 05 2101.7
39 lva Latvia 061 05 6111.8
39 irl Republic of Ireland 061 23 8122.0
39 blr Belarus 062 04 8122.0
39 bih Bosnia-Herzegovina 062 13 11101.7