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UEFA Nations League D
Team Ranking
Player Ranking
Coach Ranking
Referee Ranking
Game Ranking
Other Competition
Score Data
Shots Data
Result by Season
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result

UEFA Nations League D

Result by Season Team Ranking Player Ranking Coach Ranking Referee Ranking Game Ranking Nationality Other Competition Score Data Shots Data
Season Top Game Result Ranking Player's Result by Team

Ranking 2018-19 - 2022-23 Andorra Nationality

jpn mlt and lva lie smr fro gib mda arm blr geo est kaz aze kvx lux mkd alb
1 and Albert Rosas 02.08.19 6360 32 00 2-2-2
1 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
3 and Cristian Martinez 89.08.23 11878 101 30 0-6-5
3 and Chus Rubio 94.09.09 11970 111 30 2-4-5
3 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
3 and Marc Rebés 94.07.03 161267 141 40 2-6-8
3 and Joan Cervós 98.02.24 161371 151 40 2-7-7
8 and Marc Ferré 94.01.11 11 00 00 0-0-1
8 and Juli Sánchez 78.06.20 12 00 00 0-1-0
8 and Sebastian Gomez 83.11.01 110 00 00 0-1-0
8 and Luigi San Nicolas 92.06.28 226 00 00 0-1-1
8 and Luis Blanco 90.01.15 331 00 00 0-1-2
8 and Sergi Moreno 87.11.25 4106 10 00 0-1-3
8 and Kiko Pomares 98.09.21 2114 10 00 1-1-0
8 and Aaron Sanchez 96.06.05 6156 10 10 0-2-4
8 and Victor Bernat 87.05.17 10164 10 10 2-3-5
8 and Eric De Pablos 99.03.08 2180 20 00 0-2-0
8 and Ludovic Clemente 86.05.09 7244 40 10 1-3-3
8 and Xavier Vieira 92.01.14 4250 30 00 2-1-1
8 and Victor Rodríguez 87.09.07 5258 30 10 0-3-2
8 and Iker 01.07.25 3270 30 00 1-1-1
8 and Marc Garcia 88.03.21 6271 30 10 1-2-3
8 and Christian Garcia 99.02.04 4359 40 31 0-1-3
8 and Jordi Rubio 87.11.01 11360 50 20 1-5-5
8 and Ildefons Lima 79.12.10 7544 60 10 1-4-2
8 and Emili Garcia 89.01.11 9588 60 20 0-4-5
8 and Ricard Fernandez 99.03.19 11655 90 40 2-5-4
8 and Alex Martínez 98.10.10 11673 60 20 1-6-4
8 and Marc Pujol 82.08.21 11684 80 20 2-3-6
8 and Albert Alavedra 99.02.26 8688 70 10 2-2-4
8 and Moises San Nicolas 93.09.17 11983 110 30 0-5-6
8 and Marc Vales 90.04.04 12985 120 40 1-8-3
8 and Max Llovera 97.01.08 141214 140 10 2-7-5
8 and Josep Gomes 85.12.03 151350 150 00 1-7-7
1 and Joan Cervós 98.02.24 161371 151 40 2-7-7
1 and Marc Rebés 94.07.03 161267 141 40 2-6-8
3 and Josep Gomes 85.12.03 151350 150 00 1-7-7
3 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
5 and Max Llovera 97.01.08 141214 140 10 2-7-5
5 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
7 and Marc Vales 90.04.04 12985 120 40 1-8-3
8 and Moises San Nicolas 93.09.17 11983 110 30 0-5-6
8 and Chus Rubio 94.09.09 11970 111 30 2-4-5
8 and Cristian Martinez 89.08.23 11878 101 30 0-6-5
8 and Marc Pujol 82.08.21 11684 80 20 2-3-6
8 and Alex Martínez 98.10.10 11673 60 20 1-6-4
8 and Ricard Fernandez 99.03.19 11655 90 40 2-5-4
8 and Jordi Rubio 87.11.01 11360 50 20 1-5-5
15 and Victor Bernat 87.05.17 10164 10 10 2-3-5
16 and Emili Garcia 89.01.11 9588 60 20 0-4-5
17 and Albert Alavedra 99.02.26 8688 70 10 2-2-4
18 and Ildefons Lima 79.12.10 7544 60 10 1-4-2
18 and Ludovic Clemente 86.05.09 7244 40 10 1-3-3
20 and Albert Rosas 02.08.19 6360 32 00 2-2-2
20 and Marc Garcia 88.03.21 6271 30 10 1-2-3
20 and Aaron Sanchez 96.06.05 6156 10 10 0-2-4
23 and Victor Rodríguez 87.09.07 5258 30 10 0-3-2
24 and Christian Garcia 99.02.04 4359 40 31 0-1-3
24 and Xavier Vieira 92.01.14 4250 30 00 2-1-1
24 and Sergi Moreno 87.11.25 4106 10 00 0-1-3
27 and Iker 01.07.25 3270 30 00 1-1-1
27 and Luis Blanco 90.01.15 331 00 00 0-1-2
29 and Eric De Pablos 99.03.08 2180 20 00 0-2-0
29 and Kiko Pomares 98.09.21 2114 10 00 1-1-0
29 and Luigi San Nicolas 92.06.28 226 00 00 0-1-1
32 and Sebastian Gomez 83.11.01 110 00 00 0-1-0
32 and Juli Sánchez 78.06.20 12 00 00 0-1-0
32 and Marc Ferré 94.01.11 11 00 00 0-0-1
1 and Joan Cervós 98.02.24 161371 151 40 2-7-7
2 and Josep Gomes 85.12.03 151350 150 00 1-7-7
3 and Marc Rebés 94.07.03 161267 141 40 2-6-8
4 and Max Llovera 97.01.08 141214 140 10 2-7-5
5 and Marc Vales 90.04.04 12985 120 40 1-8-3
6 and Moises San Nicolas 93.09.17 11983 110 30 0-5-6
7 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
8 and Chus Rubio 94.09.09 11970 111 30 2-4-5
9 and Cristian Martinez 89.08.23 11878 101 30 0-6-5
10 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
11 and Albert Alavedra 99.02.26 8688 70 10 2-2-4
12 and Marc Pujol 82.08.21 11684 80 20 2-3-6
13 and Alex Martínez 98.10.10 11673 60 20 1-6-4
14 and Ricard Fernandez 99.03.19 11655 90 40 2-5-4
15 and Emili Garcia 89.01.11 9588 60 20 0-4-5
16 and Ildefons Lima 79.12.10 7544 60 10 1-4-2
17 and Jordi Rubio 87.11.01 11360 50 20 1-5-5
17 and Albert Rosas 02.08.19 6360 32 00 2-2-2
19 and Christian Garcia 99.02.04 4359 40 31 0-1-3
20 and Marc Garcia 88.03.21 6271 30 10 1-2-3
21 and Iker 01.07.25 3270 30 00 1-1-1
22 and Victor Rodríguez 87.09.07 5258 30 10 0-3-2
23 and Xavier Vieira 92.01.14 4250 30 00 2-1-1
24 and Ludovic Clemente 86.05.09 7244 40 10 1-3-3
25 and Eric De Pablos 99.03.08 2180 20 00 0-2-0
26 and Victor Bernat 87.05.17 10164 10 10 2-3-5
27 and Aaron Sanchez 96.06.05 6156 10 10 0-2-4
28 and Kiko Pomares 98.09.21 2114 10 00 1-1-0
29 and Sergi Moreno 87.11.25 4106 10 00 0-1-3
30 and Luis Blanco 90.01.15 331 00 00 0-1-2
31 and Luigi San Nicolas 92.06.28 226 00 00 0-1-1
32 and Sebastian Gomez 83.11.01 110 00 00 0-1-0
33 and Juli Sánchez 78.06.20 12 00 00 0-1-0
34 and Marc Ferré 94.01.11 11 00 00 0-0-1
1 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
2 and Ricard Fernandez 99.03.19 11655 90 40 2-5-4
2 and Marc Vales 90.04.04 12985 120 40 1-8-3
2 and Marc Rebés 94.07.03 161267 141 40 2-6-8
2 and Joan Cervós 98.02.24 161371 151 40 2-7-7
6 and Christian Garcia 99.02.04 4359 40 31 0-1-3
6 and Cristian Martinez 89.08.23 11878 101 30 0-6-5
6 and Chus Rubio 94.09.09 11970 111 30 2-4-5
6 and Moises San Nicolas 93.09.17 11983 110 30 0-5-6
10 and Jordi Rubio 87.11.01 11360 50 20 1-5-5
10 and Emili Garcia 89.01.11 9588 60 20 0-4-5
10 and Alex Martínez 98.10.10 11673 60 20 1-6-4
10 and Marc Pujol 82.08.21 11684 80 20 2-3-6
10 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
15 and Aaron Sanchez 96.06.05 6156 10 10 0-2-4
15 and Victor Bernat 87.05.17 10164 10 10 2-3-5
15 and Ludovic Clemente 86.05.09 7244 40 10 1-3-3
15 and Victor Rodríguez 87.09.07 5258 30 10 0-3-2
15 and Marc Garcia 88.03.21 6271 30 10 1-2-3
15 and Ildefons Lima 79.12.10 7544 60 10 1-4-2
15 and Albert Alavedra 99.02.26 8688 70 10 2-2-4
15 and Max Llovera 97.01.08 141214 140 10 2-7-5
1 and Christian Garcia 99.02.04 4359 40 31 0-1-3
1 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
1 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
1 and Max Llovera 97.01.08 141214 140 10 2-7-5
1 and Joan Cervós 98.02.24 161371 151 40 2-7-7
1 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
1 and Marc Rebés 94.07.03 161267 141 40 2-6-8
1 and Ricard Fernandez 99.03.19 11655 90 40 2-5-4
1 and Chus Rubio 94.09.09 11970 111 30 2-4-5
1 and Victor Bernat 87.05.17 10164 10 10 2-3-5
1 and Marc Pujol 82.08.21 11684 80 20 2-3-6
1 and Albert Rosas 02.08.19 6360 32 00 2-2-2
1 and Albert Alavedra 99.02.26 8688 70 10 2-2-4
1 and Xavier Vieira 92.01.14 4250 30 00 2-1-1
12 and Marc Vales 90.04.04 12985 120 40 1-8-3
12 and Josep Gomes 85.12.03 151350 150 00 1-7-7
12 and Alex Martínez 98.10.10 11673 60 20 1-6-4
12 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
12 and Jordi Rubio 87.11.01 11360 50 20 1-5-5
12 and Ildefons Lima 79.12.10 7544 60 10 1-4-2
12 and Ludovic Clemente 86.05.09 7244 40 10 1-3-3
12 and Marc Garcia 88.03.21 6271 30 10 1-2-3
12 and Kiko Pomares 98.09.21 2114 10 00 1-1-0
12 and Iker 01.07.25 3270 30 00 1-1-1
1 and Juli Sánchez 78.06.20 12 00 00 0-1-0
2 and Ildefons Lima 79.12.10 7544 60 10 1-4-2
3 and Marc Pujol 82.08.21 11684 80 20 2-3-6
4 and Sebastian Gomez 83.11.01 110 00 00 0-1-0
5 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
6 and Josep Gomes 85.12.03 151350 150 00 1-7-7
7 and Ludovic Clemente 86.05.09 7244 40 10 1-3-3
8 and Victor Bernat 87.05.17 10164 10 10 2-3-5
9 and Victor Rodríguez 87.09.07 5258 30 10 0-3-2
10 and Jordi Rubio 87.11.01 11360 50 20 1-5-5
11 and Sergi Moreno 87.11.25 4106 10 00 0-1-3
12 and Marc Garcia 88.03.21 6271 30 10 1-2-3
13 and Emili Garcia 89.01.11 9588 60 20 0-4-5
14 and Cristian Martinez 89.08.23 11878 101 30 0-6-5
15 and Luis Blanco 90.01.15 331 00 00 0-1-2
16 and Marc Vales 90.04.04 12985 120 40 1-8-3
17 and Xavier Vieira 92.01.14 4250 30 00 2-1-1
18 and Luigi San Nicolas 92.06.28 226 00 00 0-1-1
19 and Moises San Nicolas 93.09.17 11983 110 30 0-5-6
20 and Marc Ferré 94.01.11 11 00 00 0-0-1
21 and Marc Rebés 94.07.03 161267 141 40 2-6-8
22 and Chus Rubio 94.09.09 11970 111 30 2-4-5
23 and Aaron Sanchez 96.06.05 6156 10 10 0-2-4
24 and Max Llovera 97.01.08 141214 140 10 2-7-5
25 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
26 and Joan Cervós 98.02.24 161371 151 40 2-7-7
27 and Kiko Pomares 98.09.21 2114 10 00 1-1-0
28 and Alex Martínez 98.10.10 11673 60 20 1-6-4
29 and Christian Garcia 99.02.04 4359 40 31 0-1-3
30 and Albert Alavedra 99.02.26 8688 70 10 2-2-4
31 and Eric De Pablos 99.03.08 2180 20 00 0-2-0
32 and Ricard Fernandez 99.03.19 11655 90 40 2-5-4
33 and Iker 01.07.25 3270 30 00 1-1-1
34 and Albert Rosas 02.08.19 6360 32 00 2-2-2
1 and Albert Rosas 02.08.19 6360 32 00 2-2-2
2 and Iker 01.07.25 3270 30 00 1-1-1
3 and Ricard Fernandez 99.03.19 11655 90 40 2-5-4
4 and Eric De Pablos 99.03.08 2180 20 00 0-2-0
5 and Albert Alavedra 99.02.26 8688 70 10 2-2-4
6 and Christian Garcia 99.02.04 4359 40 31 0-1-3
7 and Alex Martínez 98.10.10 11673 60 20 1-6-4
8 and Kiko Pomares 98.09.21 2114 10 00 1-1-0
9 and Joan Cervós 98.02.24 161371 151 40 2-7-7
10 and Jordi Aláez 98.01.23 14804 82 51 1-6-7
11 and Max Llovera 97.01.08 141214 140 10 2-7-5
12 and Aaron Sanchez 96.06.05 6156 10 10 0-2-4
13 and Chus Rubio 94.09.09 11970 111 30 2-4-5
14 and Marc Rebés 94.07.03 161267 141 40 2-6-8
15 and Marc Ferré 94.01.11 11 00 00 0-0-1
16 and Moises San Nicolas 93.09.17 11983 110 30 0-5-6
17 and Luigi San Nicolas 92.06.28 226 00 00 0-1-1
18 and Xavier Vieira 92.01.14 4250 30 00 2-1-1
19 and Marc Vales 90.04.04 12985 120 40 1-8-3
20 and Luis Blanco 90.01.15 331 00 00 0-1-2
21 and Cristian Martinez 89.08.23 11878 101 30 0-6-5
22 and Emili Garcia 89.01.11 9588 60 20 0-4-5
23 and Marc Garcia 88.03.21 6271 30 10 1-2-3
24 and Sergi Moreno 87.11.25 4106 10 00 0-1-3
25 and Jordi Rubio 87.11.01 11360 50 20 1-5-5
26 and Victor Rodríguez 87.09.07 5258 30 10 0-3-2
27 and Victor Bernat 87.05.17 10164 10 10 2-3-5
28 and Ludovic Clemente 86.05.09 7244 40 10 1-3-3
29 and Josep Gomes 85.12.03 151350 150 00 1-7-7
30 and Marcio Vieira 84.10.10 15976 121 21 2-6-7
31 and Sebastian Gomez 83.11.01 110 00 00 0-1-0
32 and Marc Pujol 82.08.21 11684 80 20 2-3-6
33 and Ildefons Lima 79.12.10 7544 60 10 1-4-2
34 and Juli Sánchez 78.06.20 12 00 00 0-1-0