Other Competition
Contents List
Team Ranking
Player Ranking
Coach Ranking
Referee Ranking
Game Ranking
Other Competition
Score Data
Shots Data
Result by Season
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result
Game Result
Player's Result


Result by Season Team Ranking Player Ranking Coach Ranking Referee Ranking Game Ranking Nationality Other Competition Attendance Score Data Shots Data Awards Region
Season Top Game Result Ranking Player's Result by Team

Ranking 1984 - 2021 Team Ranking

Total By Season
rank nat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 bra Brazil 4631 78 67.4% 9638 845
2 ita Italy 3316 314 48.5% 4342 958
2 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 33.3% 4737 552
4 arg Argentina 2818 55 64.3% 5020 622
4 jpn Japan 2812 412 42.9% 3837 480
6 aus Australia 267 316 26.9% 2640 643
7 esp Spain 2515 55 60.0% 4022 626
7 mex Mexico 2512 94 48.0% 4424 444
7 nga Nigeria 2514 38 56.0% 4238 604
10 usa USA 215 97 23.8% 3031 351
11 hon Honduras 195 410 26.3% 2240 513
12 irq Iraq 154 56 26.7% 1819 200
12 egy Egypt 154 38 26.7% 1721 285
12 mar Morocco 152 49 13.3% 925 326
15 fra France 137 33 53.8% 2421 232
15 cmr Cameroon 135 53 38.5% 1616 326
15 gha Ghana 135 44 38.5% 1918 345
15 por Portugal 135 35 38.5% 1725 344
19 swe Sweden 113 44 27.3% 1512 71
20 ger Germany FR 106 13 60.0% 2610 70
20 chi Chile 105 23 50.0% 168 170
20 par Paraguay 105 23 50.0% 1714 192
20 nzl New Zealand 101 45 10.0% 515 232
24 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 66.7% 2014 143
24 ger Germany 94 41 44.4% 2813 182
24 tun Tunisia 91 44 11.1% 816 275
24 rsa South Africa 91 26 11.1% 915 192
24 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 0.0% 723 131
29 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 37.5% 1113 132
30 crc Costa Rica 72 14 28.6% 615 110
30 col Colombia 71 33 14.3% 1015 222
30 den Denmark 71 33 14.3% 210 91
30 qat Qatar 71 24 14.3% 410 114
34 urs Soviet Union 65 10 83.3% 146 111
34 pol Poland 64 11 66.7% 176 80
34 bel Belgium 63 03 50.0% 710 143
34 kuw Kuwait 61 05 16.7% 714 100
34 chn China PR 60 24 0.0% 111 102
39 gbr Great Britain 42 20 50.0% 63 50
39 zam Zambia 42 11 50.0% 106 40
39 can Canada 41 21 25.0% 54 50
39 mli Mali 41 21 25.0% 54 120
39 sen Senegal 41 21 25.0% 66 111
39 ned Netherlands 41 21 25.0% 44 71
45 nor Norway 31 11 33.3% 32 40
45 rou Romania 31 11 33.3% 14 81
45 svk Slovakia 31 02 33.3% 46 80
45 uru Uruguay 31 02 33.3% 24 80
45 blr Belarus 31 02 33.3% 36 40
45 cze Czech Republic 30 21 0.0% 56 60
45 gab Gabon 30 21 0.0% 13 61
45 alg Algeria 30 12 0.0% 46 141
45 sui Switzerland 30 12 0.0% 24 101
45 gre Greece 30 12 0.0% 47 90
45 uae UAE 30 12 0.0% 36 40
45 srb Serbia 30 12 0.0% 37 72
45 hun Hungary 30 03 0.0% 37 91
45 gua Guatemala 30 03 0.0% 212 20
45 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 0.0% 314 70
45 fij Fiji 30 03 0.0% 123 60
rank nat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 bra Brazil 4631 78 67.4% 9638 845
2 arg Argentina 2818 55 64.3% 5020 622
3 ita Italy 3316 314 48.5% 4342 958
4 esp Spain 2515 55 60.0% 4022 626
5 nga Nigeria 2514 38 56.0% 4238 604
6 mex Mexico 2512 94 48.0% 4424 444
6 jpn Japan 2812 412 42.9% 3837 480
8 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 33.3% 4737 552
9 fra France 137 33 53.8% 2421 232
9 aus Australia 267 316 26.9% 2640 643
11 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 66.7% 2014 143
11 ger Germany FR 106 13 60.0% 2610 70
13 urs Soviet Union 65 10 83.3% 146 111
13 chi Chile 105 23 50.0% 168 170
13 par Paraguay 105 23 50.0% 1714 192
13 cmr Cameroon 135 53 38.5% 1616 326
13 gha Ghana 135 44 38.5% 1918 345
13 por Portugal 135 35 38.5% 1725 344
13 usa USA 215 97 23.8% 3031 351
13 hon Honduras 195 410 26.3% 2240 513
21 pol Poland 64 11 66.7% 176 80
21 ger Germany 94 41 44.4% 2813 182
21 irq Iraq 154 56 26.7% 1819 200
21 egy Egypt 154 38 26.7% 1721 285
25 bel Belgium 63 03 50.0% 710 143
25 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 37.5% 1113 132
25 swe Sweden 113 44 27.3% 1512 71
28 gbr Great Britain 42 20 50.0% 63 50
28 zam Zambia 42 11 50.0% 106 40
28 crc Costa Rica 72 14 28.6% 615 110
28 mar Morocco 152 49 13.3% 925 326
32 nor Norway 31 11 33.3% 32 40
32 rou Romania 31 11 33.3% 14 81
32 can Canada 41 21 25.0% 54 50
32 mli Mali 41 21 25.0% 54 120
32 sen Senegal 41 21 25.0% 66 111
32 ned Netherlands 41 21 25.0% 44 71
32 svk Slovakia 31 02 33.3% 46 80
32 uru Uruguay 31 02 33.3% 24 80
32 blr Belarus 31 02 33.3% 36 40
32 col Colombia 71 33 14.3% 1015 222
32 den Denmark 71 33 14.3% 210 91
32 tun Tunisia 91 44 11.1% 816 275
32 qat Qatar 71 24 14.3% 410 114
32 nzl New Zealand 101 45 10.0% 515 232
32 rsa South Africa 91 26 11.1% 915 192
32 kuw Kuwait 61 05 16.7% 714 100
48 cze Czech Republic 30 21 0.0% 56 60
48 gab Gabon 30 21 0.0% 13 61
48 alg Algeria 30 12 0.0% 46 141
48 sui Switzerland 30 12 0.0% 24 101
48 gre Greece 30 12 0.0% 47 90
48 uae UAE 30 12 0.0% 36 40
48 srb Serbia 30 12 0.0% 37 72
48 chn China PR 60 24 0.0% 111 102
48 hun Hungary 30 03 0.0% 37 91
48 gua Guatemala 30 03 0.0% 212 20
48 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 0.0% 314 70
48 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 0.0% 723 131
48 fij Fiji 30 03 0.0% 123 60
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 33.3% 4737 552
2 mex Mexico 2512 94 48.0% 4424 444
2 usa USA 215 97 23.8% 3031 351
4 bra Brazil 4631 78 67.4% 9638 845
5 arg Argentina 2818 55 64.3% 5020 622
5 esp Spain 2515 55 60.0% 4022 626
5 cmr Cameroon 135 53 38.5% 1616 326
5 irq Iraq 154 56 26.7% 1819 200
9 ger Germany 94 41 44.4% 2813 182
9 gha Ghana 135 44 38.5% 1918 345
9 jpn Japan 2812 412 42.9% 3837 480
9 swe Sweden 113 44 27.3% 1512 71
9 hon Honduras 195 410 26.3% 2240 513
9 tun Tunisia 91 44 11.1% 816 275
9 nzl New Zealand 101 45 10.0% 515 232
9 mar Morocco 152 49 13.3% 925 326
17 fra France 137 33 53.8% 2421 232
17 nga Nigeria 2514 38 56.0% 4238 604
17 ita Italy 3316 314 48.5% 4342 958
17 por Portugal 135 35 38.5% 1725 344
17 egy Egypt 154 38 26.7% 1721 285
17 aus Australia 267 316 26.9% 2640 643
17 col Colombia 71 33 14.3% 1015 222
17 den Denmark 71 33 14.3% 210 91
25 gbr Great Britain 42 20 50.0% 63 50
25 chi Chile 105 23 50.0% 168 170
25 par Paraguay 105 23 50.0% 1714 192
25 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 37.5% 1113 132
25 can Canada 41 21 25.0% 54 50
25 mli Mali 41 21 25.0% 54 120
25 sen Senegal 41 21 25.0% 66 111
25 ned Netherlands 41 21 25.0% 44 71
25 qat Qatar 71 24 14.3% 410 114
25 cze Czech Republic 30 21 0.0% 56 60
25 gab Gabon 30 21 0.0% 13 61
25 rsa South Africa 91 26 11.1% 915 192
25 chn China PR 60 24 0.0% 111 102
38 urs Soviet Union 65 10 83.3% 146 111
38 pol Poland 64 11 66.7% 176 80
38 ger Germany FR 106 13 60.0% 2610 70
38 zam Zambia 42 11 50.0% 106 40
38 nor Norway 31 11 33.3% 32 40
38 rou Romania 31 11 33.3% 14 81
38 crc Costa Rica 72 14 28.6% 615 110
38 alg Algeria 30 12 0.0% 46 141
38 sui Switzerland 30 12 0.0% 24 101
38 gre Greece 30 12 0.0% 47 90
38 uae UAE 30 12 0.0% 36 40
38 srb Serbia 30 12 0.0% 37 72
50 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 66.7% 2014 143
50 bel Belgium 63 03 50.0% 710 143
50 svk Slovakia 31 02 33.3% 46 80
50 uru Uruguay 31 02 33.3% 24 80
50 blr Belarus 31 02 33.3% 36 40
50 kuw Kuwait 61 05 16.7% 714 100
50 hun Hungary 30 03 0.0% 37 91
50 gua Guatemala 30 03 0.0% 212 20
50 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 0.0% 314 70
50 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 0.0% 723 131
50 fij Fiji 30 03 0.0% 123 60
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlostwon % scorelost scoredyr
1 aus Australia 267 316 26.9% 2640 643
2 ita Italy 3316 314 48.5% 4342 958
3 jpn Japan 2812 412 42.9% 3837 480
4 hon Honduras 195 410 26.3% 2240 513
5 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 0.0% 723 131
5 mar Morocco 152 49 13.3% 925 326
5 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 33.3% 4737 552
8 egy Egypt 154 38 26.7% 1721 285
8 nga Nigeria 2514 38 56.0% 4238 604
8 bra Brazil 4631 78 67.4% 9638 845
11 usa USA 215 97 23.8% 3031 351
12 rsa South Africa 91 26 11.1% 915 192
12 irq Iraq 154 56 26.7% 1819 200
14 kuw Kuwait 61 05 16.7% 714 100
14 nzl New Zealand 101 45 10.0% 515 232
14 por Portugal 135 35 38.5% 1725 344
14 esp Spain 2515 55 60.0% 4022 626
14 arg Argentina 2818 55 64.3% 5020 622
19 chn China PR 60 24 0.0% 111 102
19 qat Qatar 71 24 14.3% 410 114
19 tun Tunisia 91 44 11.1% 816 275
19 crc Costa Rica 72 14 28.6% 615 110
19 swe Sweden 113 44 27.3% 1512 71
19 gha Ghana 135 44 38.5% 1918 345
19 mex Mexico 2512 94 48.0% 4424 444
26 fij Fiji 30 03 0.0% 123 60
26 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 0.0% 314 70
26 gua Guatemala 30 03 0.0% 212 20
26 hun Hungary 30 03 0.0% 37 91
26 den Denmark 71 33 14.3% 210 91
26 col Colombia 71 33 14.3% 1015 222
26 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 37.5% 1113 132
26 bel Belgium 63 03 50.0% 710 143
26 cmr Cameroon 135 53 38.5% 1616 326
26 par Paraguay 105 23 50.0% 1714 192
26 chi Chile 105 23 50.0% 168 170
26 fra France 137 33 53.8% 2421 232
26 ger Germany FR 106 13 60.0% 2610 70
26 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 66.7% 2014 143
40 srb Serbia 30 12 0.0% 37 72
40 gre Greece 30 12 0.0% 47 90
40 uae UAE 30 12 0.0% 36 40
40 alg Algeria 30 12 0.0% 46 141
40 sui Switzerland 30 12 0.0% 24 101
40 blr Belarus 31 02 33.3% 36 40
40 svk Slovakia 31 02 33.3% 46 80
40 uru Uruguay 31 02 33.3% 24 80
48 gab Gabon 30 21 0.0% 13 61
48 cze Czech Republic 30 21 0.0% 56 60
48 sen Senegal 41 21 25.0% 66 111
48 ned Netherlands 41 21 25.0% 44 71
48 can Canada 41 21 25.0% 54 50
48 mli Mali 41 21 25.0% 54 120
48 rou Romania 31 11 33.3% 14 81
48 nor Norway 31 11 33.3% 32 40
48 zam Zambia 42 11 50.0% 106 40
48 ger Germany 94 41 44.4% 2813 182
48 pol Poland 64 11 66.7% 176 80
59 gbr Great Britain 42 20 50.0% 63 50
59 urs Soviet Union 65 10 83.3% 146 111
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 bra Brazil 4631 78 96 2.1 38 0.8 845
2 arg Argentina 2818 55 50 1.8 20 0.7 622
3 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 47 1.4 37 1.1 552
4 mex Mexico 2512 94 44 1.8 24 1.0 444
5 ita Italy 3316 314 43 1.3 42 1.3 958
6 nga Nigeria 2514 38 42 1.7 38 1.5 604
7 esp Spain 2515 55 40 1.6 22 0.9 626
8 jpn Japan 2812 412 38 1.4 37 1.3 480
9 usa USA 215 97 30 1.4 31 1.5 351
10 ger Germany 94 41 28 3.1 13 1.4 182
11 ger Germany FR 106 13 26 2.6 10 1.0 70
11 aus Australia 267 316 26 1.0 40 1.5 643
13 fra France 137 33 24 1.8 21 1.6 232
14 hon Honduras 195 410 22 1.2 40 2.1 513
15 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 20 2.2 14 1.6 143
16 gha Ghana 135 44 19 1.5 18 1.4 345
17 irq Iraq 154 56 18 1.2 19 1.3 200
18 pol Poland 64 11 17 2.8 6 1.0 80
18 par Paraguay 105 23 17 1.7 14 1.4 192
18 por Portugal 135 35 17 1.3 25 1.9 344
18 egy Egypt 154 38 17 1.1 21 1.4 285
22 chi Chile 105 23 16 1.6 8 0.8 170
22 cmr Cameroon 135 53 16 1.2 16 1.2 326
24 swe Sweden 113 44 15 1.4 12 1.1 71
25 urs Soviet Union 65 10 14 2.3 6 1.0 111
26 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 11 1.4 13 1.6 132
27 zam Zambia 42 11 10 2.5 6 1.5 40
27 col Colombia 71 33 10 1.4 15 2.1 222
29 rsa South Africa 91 26 9 1.0 15 1.7 192
29 mar Morocco 152 49 9 0.6 25 1.7 326
31 tun Tunisia 91 44 8 0.9 16 1.8 275
32 bel Belgium 63 03 7 1.2 10 1.7 143
32 kuw Kuwait 61 05 7 1.2 14 2.3 100
32 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 7 0.8 23 2.6 131
35 gbr Great Britain 42 20 6 1.5 3 0.8 50
35 sen Senegal 41 21 6 1.5 6 1.5 111
35 crc Costa Rica 72 14 6 0.9 15 2.1 110
38 cze Czech Republic 30 21 5 1.7 6 2.0 60
38 can Canada 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 50
38 mli Mali 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 120
38 nzl New Zealand 101 45 5 0.5 15 1.5 232
42 svk Slovakia 31 02 4 1.3 6 2.0 80
42 alg Algeria 30 12 4 1.3 6 2.0 141
42 gre Greece 30 12 4 1.3 7 2.3 90
42 ned Netherlands 41 21 4 1.0 4 1.0 71
42 qat Qatar 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 114
47 nor Norway 31 11 3 1.0 2 0.7 40
47 blr Belarus 31 02 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
47 uae UAE 30 12 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
47 srb Serbia 30 12 3 1.0 7 2.3 72
47 hun Hungary 30 03 3 1.0 7 2.3 91
47 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 3 1.0 14 4.7 70
53 uru Uruguay 31 02 2 0.7 4 1.3 80
53 sui Switzerland 30 12 2 0.7 4 1.3 101
53 gua Guatemala 30 03 2 0.7 12 4.0 20
53 den Denmark 71 33 2 0.3 10 1.4 91
57 rou Romania 31 11 1 0.3 4 1.3 81
57 gab Gabon 30 21 1 0.3 3 1.0 61
57 fij Fiji 30 03 1 0.3 23 7.7 60
57 chn China PR 60 24 1 0.2 11 1.8 102
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 ger Germany 94 41 28 3.1 13 1.4 182
2 pol Poland 64 11 17 2.8 6 1.0 80
3 ger Germany FR 106 13 26 2.6 10 1.0 70
4 zam Zambia 42 11 10 2.5 6 1.5 40
5 urs Soviet Union 65 10 14 2.3 6 1.0 111
6 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 20 2.2 14 1.6 143
7 bra Brazil 4631 78 96 2.1 38 0.8 845
8 fra France 137 33 24 1.8 21 1.6 232
9 arg Argentina 2818 55 50 1.8 20 0.7 622
10 mex Mexico 2512 94 44 1.8 24 1.0 444
11 par Paraguay 105 23 17 1.7 14 1.4 192
12 nga Nigeria 2514 38 42 1.7 38 1.5 604
13 cze Czech Republic 30 21 5 1.7 6 2.0 60
14 esp Spain 2515 55 40 1.6 22 0.9 626
14 chi Chile 105 23 16 1.6 8 0.8 170
16 gbr Great Britain 42 20 6 1.5 3 0.8 50
16 sen Senegal 41 21 6 1.5 6 1.5 111
18 gha Ghana 135 44 19 1.5 18 1.4 345
19 usa USA 215 97 30 1.4 31 1.5 351
19 col Colombia 71 33 10 1.4 15 2.1 222
21 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 47 1.4 37 1.1 552
22 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 11 1.4 13 1.6 132
23 swe Sweden 113 44 15 1.4 12 1.1 71
24 jpn Japan 2812 412 38 1.4 37 1.3 480
25 svk Slovakia 31 02 4 1.3 6 2.0 80
25 alg Algeria 30 12 4 1.3 6 2.0 141
25 gre Greece 30 12 4 1.3 7 2.3 90
28 por Portugal 135 35 17 1.3 25 1.9 344
29 ita Italy 3316 314 43 1.3 42 1.3 958
30 can Canada 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 50
30 mli Mali 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 120
32 cmr Cameroon 135 53 16 1.2 16 1.2 326
33 irq Iraq 154 56 18 1.2 19 1.3 200
34 bel Belgium 63 03 7 1.2 10 1.7 143
34 kuw Kuwait 61 05 7 1.2 14 2.3 100
36 hon Honduras 195 410 22 1.2 40 2.1 513
37 egy Egypt 154 38 17 1.1 21 1.4 285
38 nor Norway 31 11 3 1.0 2 0.7 40
38 ned Netherlands 41 21 4 1.0 4 1.0 71
38 blr Belarus 31 02 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
38 aus Australia 267 316 26 1.0 40 1.5 643
38 rsa South Africa 91 26 9 1.0 15 1.7 192
38 uae UAE 30 12 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
38 srb Serbia 30 12 3 1.0 7 2.3 72
38 hun Hungary 30 03 3 1.0 7 2.3 91
38 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 3 1.0 14 4.7 70
47 tun Tunisia 91 44 8 0.9 16 1.8 275
48 crc Costa Rica 72 14 6 0.9 15 2.1 110
49 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 7 0.8 23 2.6 131
50 uru Uruguay 31 02 2 0.7 4 1.3 80
50 sui Switzerland 30 12 2 0.7 4 1.3 101
50 gua Guatemala 30 03 2 0.7 12 4.0 20
53 mar Morocco 152 49 9 0.6 25 1.7 326
54 qat Qatar 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 114
55 nzl New Zealand 101 45 5 0.5 15 1.5 232
56 rou Romania 31 11 1 0.3 4 1.3 81
56 gab Gabon 30 21 1 0.3 3 1.0 61
56 fij Fiji 30 03 1 0.3 23 7.7 60
59 den Denmark 71 33 2 0.3 10 1.4 91
60 chn China PR 60 24 1 0.2 11 1.8 102
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 ita Italy 3316 314 43 1.3 42 1.3 958
2 hon Honduras 195 410 22 1.2 40 2.1 513
2 aus Australia 267 316 26 1.0 40 1.5 643
4 nga Nigeria 2514 38 42 1.7 38 1.5 604
4 bra Brazil 4631 78 96 2.1 38 0.8 845
6 jpn Japan 2812 412 38 1.4 37 1.3 480
6 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 47 1.4 37 1.1 552
8 usa USA 215 97 30 1.4 31 1.5 351
9 por Portugal 135 35 17 1.3 25 1.9 344
9 mar Morocco 152 49 9 0.6 25 1.7 326
11 mex Mexico 2512 94 44 1.8 24 1.0 444
12 fij Fiji 30 03 1 0.3 23 7.7 60
12 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 7 0.8 23 2.6 131
14 esp Spain 2515 55 40 1.6 22 0.9 626
15 fra France 137 33 24 1.8 21 1.6 232
15 egy Egypt 154 38 17 1.1 21 1.4 285
17 arg Argentina 2818 55 50 1.8 20 0.7 622
18 irq Iraq 154 56 18 1.2 19 1.3 200
19 gha Ghana 135 44 19 1.5 18 1.4 345
20 tun Tunisia 91 44 8 0.9 16 1.8 275
20 cmr Cameroon 135 53 16 1.2 16 1.2 326
22 col Colombia 71 33 10 1.4 15 2.1 222
22 crc Costa Rica 72 14 6 0.9 15 2.1 110
22 rsa South Africa 91 26 9 1.0 15 1.7 192
22 nzl New Zealand 101 45 5 0.5 15 1.5 232
26 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 3 1.0 14 4.7 70
26 kuw Kuwait 61 05 7 1.2 14 2.3 100
26 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 20 2.2 14 1.6 143
26 par Paraguay 105 23 17 1.7 14 1.4 192
30 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 11 1.4 13 1.6 132
30 ger Germany 94 41 28 3.1 13 1.4 182
32 gua Guatemala 30 03 2 0.7 12 4.0 20
32 swe Sweden 113 44 15 1.4 12 1.1 71
34 chn China PR 60 24 1 0.2 11 1.8 102
35 bel Belgium 63 03 7 1.2 10 1.7 143
35 qat Qatar 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 114
35 den Denmark 71 33 2 0.3 10 1.4 91
35 ger Germany FR 106 13 26 2.6 10 1.0 70
39 chi Chile 105 23 16 1.6 8 0.8 170
40 hun Hungary 30 03 3 1.0 7 2.3 91
40 srb Serbia 30 12 3 1.0 7 2.3 72
40 gre Greece 30 12 4 1.3 7 2.3 90
43 uae UAE 30 12 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
43 alg Algeria 30 12 4 1.3 6 2.0 141
43 cze Czech Republic 30 21 5 1.7 6 2.0 60
43 blr Belarus 31 02 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
43 svk Slovakia 31 02 4 1.3 6 2.0 80
43 sen Senegal 41 21 6 1.5 6 1.5 111
43 zam Zambia 42 11 10 2.5 6 1.5 40
43 pol Poland 64 11 17 2.8 6 1.0 80
43 urs Soviet Union 65 10 14 2.3 6 1.0 111
52 sui Switzerland 30 12 2 0.7 4 1.3 101
52 uru Uruguay 31 02 2 0.7 4 1.3 80
52 rou Romania 31 11 1 0.3 4 1.3 81
52 ned Netherlands 41 21 4 1.0 4 1.0 71
52 can Canada 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 50
52 mli Mali 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 120
58 gab Gabon 30 21 1 0.3 3 1.0 61
58 gbr Great Britain 42 20 6 1.5 3 0.8 50
60 nor Norway 31 11 3 1.0 2 0.7 40
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave.yr
1 fij Fiji 30 03 1 0.3 23 7.7 60
2 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 3 1.0 14 4.7 70
3 gua Guatemala 30 03 2 0.7 12 4.0 20
4 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 7 0.8 23 2.6 131
5 hun Hungary 30 03 3 1.0 7 2.3 91
5 srb Serbia 30 12 3 1.0 7 2.3 72
5 gre Greece 30 12 4 1.3 7 2.3 90
5 kuw Kuwait 61 05 7 1.2 14 2.3 100
9 col Colombia 71 33 10 1.4 15 2.1 222
9 crc Costa Rica 72 14 6 0.9 15 2.1 110
11 hon Honduras 195 410 22 1.2 40 2.1 513
12 uae UAE 30 12 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
12 alg Algeria 30 12 4 1.3 6 2.0 141
12 cze Czech Republic 30 21 5 1.7 6 2.0 60
12 blr Belarus 31 02 3 1.0 6 2.0 40
12 svk Slovakia 31 02 4 1.3 6 2.0 80
17 por Portugal 135 35 17 1.3 25 1.9 344
18 chn China PR 60 24 1 0.2 11 1.8 102
19 tun Tunisia 91 44 8 0.9 16 1.8 275
20 rsa South Africa 91 26 9 1.0 15 1.7 192
20 mar Morocco 152 49 9 0.6 25 1.7 326
20 bel Belgium 63 03 7 1.2 10 1.7 143
23 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 11 1.4 13 1.6 132
24 fra France 137 33 24 1.8 21 1.6 232
25 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 20 2.2 14 1.6 143
26 aus Australia 267 316 26 1.0 40 1.5 643
27 nga Nigeria 2514 38 42 1.7 38 1.5 604
28 nzl New Zealand 101 45 5 0.5 15 1.5 232
28 sen Senegal 41 21 6 1.5 6 1.5 111
28 zam Zambia 42 11 10 2.5 6 1.5 40
31 usa USA 215 97 30 1.4 31 1.5 351
32 ger Germany 94 41 28 3.1 13 1.4 182
33 qat Qatar 71 24 4 0.6 10 1.4 114
33 den Denmark 71 33 2 0.3 10 1.4 91
35 egy Egypt 154 38 17 1.1 21 1.4 285
35 par Paraguay 105 23 17 1.7 14 1.4 192
37 gha Ghana 135 44 19 1.5 18 1.4 345
38 sui Switzerland 30 12 2 0.7 4 1.3 101
38 uru Uruguay 31 02 2 0.7 4 1.3 80
38 rou Romania 31 11 1 0.3 4 1.3 81
41 jpn Japan 2812 412 38 1.4 37 1.3 480
42 ita Italy 3316 314 43 1.3 42 1.3 958
43 irq Iraq 154 56 18 1.2 19 1.3 200
44 cmr Cameroon 135 53 16 1.2 16 1.2 326
45 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 47 1.4 37 1.1 552
46 swe Sweden 113 44 15 1.4 12 1.1 71
47 gab Gabon 30 21 1 0.3 3 1.0 61
47 ned Netherlands 41 21 4 1.0 4 1.0 71
47 can Canada 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 50
47 mli Mali 41 21 5 1.3 4 1.0 120
47 ger Germany FR 106 13 26 2.6 10 1.0 70
47 pol Poland 64 11 17 2.8 6 1.0 80
47 urs Soviet Union 65 10 14 2.3 6 1.0 111
54 mex Mexico 2512 94 44 1.8 24 1.0 444
55 esp Spain 2515 55 40 1.6 22 0.9 626
56 bra Brazil 4631 78 96 2.1 38 0.8 845
57 chi Chile 105 23 16 1.6 8 0.8 170
58 gbr Great Britain 42 20 6 1.5 3 0.8 50
59 arg Argentina 2818 55 50 1.8 20 0.7 622
60 nor Norway 31 11 3 1.0 2 0.7 40
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyave.r
1 ita Italy 3316 314 4342 952.98
2 bra Brazil 4631 78 9638 841.85
3 aus Australia 267 316 2640 642.53
4 esp Spain 2515 55 4022 622.56
4 arg Argentina 2818 55 5020 622.22
6 nga Nigeria 2514 38 4238 602.44
7 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 4737 551.72
8 hon Honduras 195 410 2240 512.73
9 jpn Japan 2812 412 3837 481.70
10 mex Mexico 2512 94 4424 441.84
11 usa USA 215 97 3031 351.71
12 gha Ghana 135 44 1918 342.65
12 por Portugal 135 35 1725 342.64
14 cmr Cameroon 135 53 1616 322.56
14 mar Morocco 152 49 925 322.16
16 egy Egypt 154 38 1721 281.95
17 tun Tunisia 91 44 816 273.05
18 nzl New Zealand 101 45 515 232.32
18 fra France 137 33 2421 231.82
20 col Colombia 71 33 1015 223.12
21 irq Iraq 154 56 1819 201.30
22 rsa South Africa 91 26 915 192.12
22 par Paraguay 105 23 1714 191.92
24 ger Germany 94 41 2813 182.02
25 chi Chile 105 23 168 171.70
26 alg Algeria 30 12 46 144.71
26 bel Belgium 63 03 710 142.33
26 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 2014 141.63
29 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 1113 131.62
29 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 723 131.41
31 mli Mali 41 21 54 123.00
32 sen Senegal 41 21 66 112.81
32 urs Soviet Union 65 10 146 111.81
32 qat Qatar 71 24 410 111.64
32 crc Costa Rica 72 14 615 111.60
36 sui Switzerland 30 12 24 103.31
36 chn China PR 60 24 111 101.72
36 kuw Kuwait 61 05 714 101.70
39 hun Hungary 30 03 37 93.01
39 gre Greece 30 12 47 93.00
39 den Denmark 71 33 210 91.31
42 rou Romania 31 11 14 82.71
42 svk Slovakia 31 02 46 82.70
42 uru Uruguay 31 02 24 82.70
42 pol Poland 64 11 176 81.30
46 srb Serbia 30 12 37 72.32
46 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 314 72.30
46 ned Netherlands 41 21 44 71.81
46 ger Germany FR 106 13 2610 70.70
46 swe Sweden 113 44 1512 70.61
51 gab Gabon 30 21 13 62.01
51 cze Czech Republic 30 21 56 62.00
51 fij Fiji 30 03 123 62.00
54 gbr Great Britain 42 20 63 51.30
54 can Canada 41 21 54 51.30
56 uae UAE 30 12 36 41.30
56 nor Norway 31 11 32 41.30
56 blr Belarus 31 02 36 41.30
56 zam Zambia 42 11 106 41.00
60 gua Guatemala 30 03 212 20.70
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyave.r
1 alg Algeria 30 12 46 144.71
2 sui Switzerland 30 12 24 103.31
3 col Colombia 71 33 1015 223.12
4 tun Tunisia 91 44 816 273.05
4 mli Mali 41 21 54 123.00
4 hun Hungary 30 03 37 93.01
4 gre Greece 30 12 47 93.00
8 ita Italy 3316 314 4342 952.98
9 sen Senegal 41 21 66 112.81
10 hon Honduras 195 410 2240 512.73
11 rou Romania 31 11 14 82.71
11 svk Slovakia 31 02 46 82.70
11 uru Uruguay 31 02 24 82.70
14 gha Ghana 135 44 1918 342.65
14 por Portugal 135 35 1725 342.64
16 esp Spain 2515 55 4022 622.56
17 aus Australia 267 316 2640 642.53
17 cmr Cameroon 135 53 1616 322.56
19 nga Nigeria 2514 38 4238 602.44
20 bel Belgium 63 03 710 142.33
20 srb Serbia 30 12 37 72.32
20 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 314 72.30
23 nzl New Zealand 101 45 515 232.32
24 arg Argentina 2818 55 5020 622.22
25 mar Morocco 152 49 925 322.16
26 rsa South Africa 91 26 915 192.12
27 ger Germany 94 41 2813 182.02
27 gab Gabon 30 21 13 62.01
27 cze Czech Republic 30 21 56 62.00
27 fij Fiji 30 03 123 62.00
31 par Paraguay 105 23 1714 191.92
32 egy Egypt 154 38 1721 281.95
33 urs Soviet Union 65 10 146 111.81
34 bra Brazil 4631 78 9638 841.85
35 fra France 137 33 2421 231.82
36 mex Mexico 2512 94 4424 441.84
37 ned Netherlands 41 21 44 71.81
38 jpn Japan 2812 412 3837 481.70
39 chi Chile 105 23 168 171.70
40 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 4737 551.72
40 usa USA 215 97 3031 351.71
40 chn China PR 60 24 111 101.72
40 kuw Kuwait 61 05 714 101.70
44 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 1113 131.62
45 qat Qatar 71 24 410 111.64
45 crc Costa Rica 72 14 615 111.60
47 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 2014 141.63
48 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 723 131.41
49 irq Iraq 154 56 1819 201.30
49 pol Poland 64 11 176 81.30
49 uae UAE 30 12 36 41.30
49 nor Norway 31 11 32 41.30
49 blr Belarus 31 02 36 41.30
54 den Denmark 71 33 210 91.31
55 gbr Great Britain 42 20 63 51.30
55 can Canada 41 21 54 51.30
57 zam Zambia 42 11 106 41.00
58 ger Germany FR 106 13 2610 70.70
59 gua Guatemala 30 03 212 20.70
60 swe Sweden 113 44 1512 70.61
ranknat.name matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyave.r
1 ita Italy 3316 314 4342 952.98
2 esp Spain 2515 55 4022 622.56
2 cmr Cameroon 135 53 1616 322.56
2 mar Morocco 152 49 925 322.16
5 bra Brazil 4631 78 9638 841.85
5 gha Ghana 135 44 1918 342.65
5 egy Egypt 154 38 1721 281.95
5 tun Tunisia 91 44 816 273.05
9 nga Nigeria 2514 38 4238 602.44
9 mex Mexico 2512 94 4424 441.84
9 por Portugal 135 35 1725 342.64
9 qat Qatar 71 24 410 111.64
13 aus Australia 267 316 2640 642.53
13 hon Honduras 195 410 2240 512.73
13 bel Belgium 63 03 710 142.33
13 yug Yugoslavia 96 03 2014 141.63
17 arg Argentina 2818 55 5020 622.22
17 kor Korea Republic 3311 139 4737 551.72
17 fra France 137 33 2421 231.82
17 nzl New Zealand 101 45 515 232.32
17 col Colombia 71 33 1015 223.12
17 par Paraguay 105 23 1714 191.92
17 rsa South Africa 91 26 915 192.12
17 ger Germany 94 41 2813 182.02
17 civ Côte d'Ivoire 83 23 1113 131.62
17 chn China PR 60 24 111 101.72
17 srb Serbia 30 12 37 72.32
28 usa USA 215 97 3031 351.71
28 alg Algeria 30 12 46 144.71
28 ksa Saudi Arabia 90 09 723 131.41
28 urs Soviet Union 65 10 146 111.81
28 sen Senegal 41 21 66 112.81
28 sui Switzerland 30 12 24 103.31
28 den Denmark 71 33 210 91.31
28 hun Hungary 30 03 37 93.01
28 rou Romania 31 11 14 82.71
28 ned Netherlands 41 21 44 71.81
28 swe Sweden 113 44 1512 70.61
28 gab Gabon 30 21 13 62.01
40 jpn Japan 2812 412 3837 481.70
40 irq Iraq 154 56 1819 201.30
40 chi Chile 105 23 168 171.70
40 mli Mali 41 21 54 123.00
40 crc Costa Rica 72 14 615 111.60
40 kuw Kuwait 61 05 714 101.70
40 gre Greece 30 12 47 93.00
40 svk Slovakia 31 02 46 82.70
40 pol Poland 64 11 176 81.30
40 uru Uruguay 31 02 24 82.70
40 scg Serbia and Montenegro 30 03 314 72.30
40 ger Germany FR 106 13 2610 70.70
40 cze Czech Republic 30 21 56 62.00
40 fij Fiji 30 03 123 62.00
40 gbr Great Britain 42 20 63 51.30
40 can Canada 41 21 54 51.30
40 uae UAE 30 12 36 41.30
40 nor Norway 31 11 32 41.30
40 blr Belarus 31 02 36 41.30
40 zam Zambia 42 11 106 41.00
40 gua Guatemala 30 03 212 20.70
rank nat.name pointsmatcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredyr
1 urs Soviet Union 2.6765 10 146 111
2 bra Brazil 2.174631 78 9638 845
3 pol Poland 2.1764 11 176 80
4 arg Argentina 2.112818 55 5020 622
5 esp Spain 2.002515 55 4022 626
5 yug Yugoslavia 2.0096 03 2014 143
5 gbr Great Britain 2.0042 20 63 50
8 ger Germany FR 1.90106 13 2610 70
9 fra France 1.85137 33 2421 232
10 mex Mexico 1.802512 94 4424 444
10 nga Nigeria 1.802514 38 4238 604
12 ger Germany 1.7894 41 2813 182
13 zam Zambia 1.7542 11 106 40
14 chi Chile 1.70105 23 168 170
14 par Paraguay 1.70105 23 1714 192
16 ita Italy 1.553316 314 4342 958
17 cmr Cameroon 1.54135 53 1616 326
18 bel Belgium 1.5063 03 710 143
19 gha Ghana 1.46135 44 1918 345
20 jpn Japan 1.432812 412 3837 480
21 kor Korea Republic 1.393311 139 4737 552
22 por Portugal 1.38135 35 1725 344
23 civ Côte d'Ivoire 1.3883 23 1113 132
24 nor Norway 1.3331 11 32 40
24 rou Romania 1.3331 11 14 81
26 can Canada 1.2541 21 54 50
26 mli Mali 1.2541 21 54 120
26 sen Senegal 1.2541 21 66 111
26 ned Netherlands 1.2541 21 44 71
30 swe Sweden 1.18113 44 1512 71
31 usa USA 1.14215 97 3031 351
32 irq Iraq 1.13154 56 1819 200
33 svk Slovakia 1.0031 02 46 80
33 uru Uruguay 1.0031 02 24 80
33 blr Belarus 1.0031 02 36 40
33 egy Egypt 1.00154 38 1721 285
33 crc Costa Rica 1.0072 14 615 110
33 hon Honduras 1.00195 410 2240 513
39 aus Australia 0.92267 316 2640 643
40 col Colombia 0.8671 33 1015 222
40 den Denmark 0.8671 33 210 91
42 tun Tunisia 0.7891 44 816 275
43 qat Qatar 0.7171 24 410 114
44 nzl New Zealand 0.70101 45 515 232
45 cze Czech Republic 0.6730 21 56 60
45 gab Gabon 0.6730 21 13 61
45 mar Morocco 0.67152 49 925 326
48 rsa South Africa 0.5691 26 915 192
49 kuw Kuwait 0.5061 05 714 100
50 alg Algeria 0.3330 12 46 141
50 sui Switzerland 0.3330 12 24 101
50 gre Greece 0.3330 12 47 90
50 uae UAE 0.3330 12 36 40
50 srb Serbia 0.3330 12 37 72
50 chn China PR 0.3360 24 111 102
56 hun Hungary 0.0030 03 37 91
56 gua Guatemala 0.0030 03 212 20
56 scg Serbia and Montenegro 0.0030 03 314 70
56 ksa Saudi Arabia 0.0090 09 723 131
56 fij Fiji 0.0030 03 123 60
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 bra Brazil 312890.3%12
2 arg Argentina 201785.0%21
3 ita Italy 201680.0%04
4 nga Nigeria 131292.3%10
4 esp Spain 141285.7%20
6 kor Korea Republic 161168.8%50
7 jpn Japan 121083.3%11
7 mex Mexico 131076.9%30
9 aus Australia 11763.6%31
10 fra France 8675.0%20
10 ger Germany FR 9666.7%12
12 par Paraguay 6583.3%01
12 chi Chile 7571.4%11
14 ger Germany 44100.0%00
14 pol Poland 5480.0%01
14 cmr Cameroon 7457.1%21
14 hon Honduras 8450.0%22
14 por Portugal 8450.0%22
14 usa USA 9444.4%41
20 egy Egypt 33100.0%00
20 urs Soviet Union 33100.0%00
20 civ Côte d'Ivoire 5360.0%11
20 gha Ghana 5360.0%20
20 irq Iraq 6350.0%12
25 swe Sweden 22100.0%00
25 bel Belgium 22100.0%00
25 zam Zambia 22100.0%00
25 yug Yugoslavia 22100.0%00
25 gbr Great Britain 3266.7%10
30 qat Qatar 11100.0%00
30 den Denmark 11100.0%00
30 crc Costa Rica 11100.0%00
30 sen Senegal 11100.0%00
30 rou Romania 11100.0%00
30 nor Norway 11100.0%00
30 tun Tunisia 2150.0%10
30 blr Belarus 2150.0%01
30 svk Slovakia 2150.0%01
30 ned Netherlands 2150.0%10
30 mli Mali 2150.0%10
30 mar Morocco 3133.3%20
30 can Canada 3133.3%20
30 rsa South Africa 4125.0%12
30 nzl New Zealand 4125.0%21
30 col Colombia 5120.0%31
46 fij Fiji 100.0%01
46 ksa Saudi Arabia 000.0%00
46 scg Serbia and Montenegro 000.0%00
46 gua Guatemala 000.0%00
46 hun Hungary 100.0%01
46 chn China PR 000.0%00
46 srb Serbia 000.0%00
46 uae UAE 200.0%11
46 gre Greece 000.0%00
46 sui Switzerland 100.0%10
46 alg Algeria 000.0%00
46 kuw Kuwait 100.0%01
46 gab Gabon 000.0%00
46 cze Czech Republic 100.0%01
46 uru Uruguay 000.0%00
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 ita Italy 201680.0%04
2 rsa South Africa 4125.0%12
2 hon Honduras 8450.0%22
2 irq Iraq 6350.0%12
2 por Portugal 8450.0%22
2 ger Germany FR 9666.7%12
2 bra Brazil 312890.3%12
8 fij Fiji 100.0%01
8 hun Hungary 100.0%01
8 uae UAE 200.0%11
8 kuw Kuwait 100.0%01
8 cze Czech Republic 100.0%01
8 col Colombia 5120.0%31
8 nzl New Zealand 4125.0%21
8 usa USA 9444.4%41
8 blr Belarus 2150.0%01
8 svk Slovakia 2150.0%01
8 cmr Cameroon 7457.1%21
8 civ Côte d'Ivoire 5360.0%11
8 aus Australia 11763.6%31
8 chi Chile 7571.4%11
8 pol Poland 5480.0%01
8 jpn Japan 121083.3%11
8 par Paraguay 6583.3%01
8 arg Argentina 201785.0%21
26 ksa Saudi Arabia 000.0%00
26 scg Serbia and Montenegro 000.0%00
26 gua Guatemala 000.0%00
26 chn China PR 000.0%00
26 srb Serbia 000.0%00
26 gre Greece 000.0%00
26 sui Switzerland 100.0%10
26 alg Algeria 000.0%00
26 gab Gabon 000.0%00
26 uru Uruguay 000.0%00
26 mar Morocco 3133.3%20
26 can Canada 3133.3%20
26 tun Tunisia 2150.0%10
26 ned Netherlands 2150.0%10
26 mli Mali 2150.0%10
26 gha Ghana 5360.0%20
26 gbr Great Britain 3266.7%10
26 kor Korea Republic 161168.8%50
26 fra France 8675.0%20
26 mex Mexico 131076.9%30
26 esp Spain 141285.7%20
26 nga Nigeria 131292.3%10
26 qat Qatar 11100.0%00
26 den Denmark 11100.0%00
26 crc Costa Rica 11100.0%00
26 egy Egypt 33100.0%00
26 swe Sweden 22100.0%00
26 sen Senegal 11100.0%00
26 rou Romania 11100.0%00
26 nor Norway 11100.0%00
26 bel Belgium 22100.0%00
26 zam Zambia 22100.0%00
26 ger Germany 44100.0%00
26 yug Yugoslavia 22100.0%00
26 urs Soviet Union 33100.0%00
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 yug Yugoslavia 7457.1%03
2 esp Spain 9333.3%15
2 bra Brazil 11327.3%26
4 urs Soviet Union 22100.0%00
4 gha Ghana 7228.6%14
4 mex Mexico 8225.0%24
4 nga Nigeria 11218.2%18
4 jpn Japan 14214.3%111
9 uru Uruguay 3133.3%02
9 bel Belgium 4125.0%03
9 kuw Kuwait 5120.0%04
9 crc Costa Rica 5120.0%04
9 por Portugal 5120.0%13
9 cmr Cameroon 5120.0%22
9 fra France 5120.0%13
9 irq Iraq 7114.3%24
9 swe Sweden 8112.5%34
9 arg Argentina 8112.5%34
9 mar Morocco 10110.0%09
9 hon Honduras 10110.0%18
9 egy Egypt 1119.1%28
9 usa USA 1119.1%46
23 fij Fiji 200.0%02
23 ksa Saudi Arabia 900.0%09
23 scg Serbia and Montenegro 300.0%03
23 gua Guatemala 300.0%03
23 hun Hungary 200.0%02
23 chn China PR 500.0%14
23 srb Serbia 300.0%12
23 uae UAE 100.0%01
23 gre Greece 300.0%12
23 sui Switzerland 200.0%02
23 alg Algeria 300.0%12
23 rsa South Africa 400.0%04
23 gab Gabon 200.0%11
23 cze Czech Republic 200.0%20
23 nzl New Zealand 400.0%04
23 qat Qatar 600.0%24
23 tun Tunisia 600.0%24
23 den Denmark 400.0%13
23 col Colombia 200.0%02
23 aus Australia 1500.0%015
23 blr Belarus 100.0%01
23 svk Slovakia 100.0%01
23 ned Netherlands 100.0%01
23 sen Senegal 300.0%21
23 can Canada 100.0%01
23 mli Mali 100.0%01
23 rou Romania 100.0%01
23 nor Norway 100.0%01
23 civ Côte d'Ivoire 200.0%02
23 kor Korea Republic 1100.0%29
23 ita Italy 1200.0%210
23 par Paraguay 200.0%02
23 chi Chile 200.0%02
23 zam Zambia 200.0%11
23 ger Germany 500.0%41
23 ger Germany FR 100.0%01
23 gbr Great Britain 100.0%10
23 pol Poland 100.0%10
rank nat.name totalwonwon %drawlost
1 aus Australia 1500.0%015
2 jpn Japan 14214.3%111
3 ita Italy 1200.0%210
4 ksa Saudi Arabia 900.0%09
4 kor Korea Republic 1100.0%29
4 mar Morocco 10110.0%09
7 egy Egypt 1119.1%28
7 hon Honduras 10110.0%18
7 nga Nigeria 11218.2%18
10 usa USA 1119.1%46
10 bra Brazil 11327.3%26
12 esp Spain 9333.3%15
13 chn China PR 500.0%14
13 rsa South Africa 400.0%04
13 nzl New Zealand 400.0%04
13 qat Qatar 600.0%24
13 tun Tunisia 600.0%24
13 swe Sweden 8112.5%34
13 arg Argentina 8112.5%34
13 irq Iraq 7114.3%24
13 kuw Kuwait 5120.0%04
13 crc Costa Rica 5120.0%04
13 mex Mexico 8225.0%24
13 gha Ghana 7228.6%14
25 scg Serbia and Montenegro 300.0%03
25 gua Guatemala 300.0%03
25 den Denmark 400.0%13
25 por Portugal 5120.0%13
25 fra France 5120.0%13
25 bel Belgium 4125.0%03
25 yug Yugoslavia 7457.1%03
32 fij Fiji 200.0%02
32 hun Hungary 200.0%02
32 srb Serbia 300.0%12
32 gre Greece 300.0%12
32 sui Switzerland 200.0%02
32 alg Algeria 300.0%12
32 col Colombia 200.0%02
32 civ Côte d'Ivoire 200.0%02
32 par Paraguay 200.0%02
32 chi Chile 200.0%02
32 cmr Cameroon 5120.0%22
32 uru Uruguay 3133.3%02
44 uae UAE 100.0%01
44 gab Gabon 200.0%11
44 blr Belarus 100.0%01
44 svk Slovakia 100.0%01
44 ned Netherlands 100.0%01
44 sen Senegal 300.0%21
44 can Canada 100.0%01
44 mli Mali 100.0%01
44 rou Romania 100.0%01
44 nor Norway 100.0%01
44 zam Zambia 200.0%11
44 ger Germany 500.0%41
44 ger Germany FR 100.0%01
57 cze Czech Republic 200.0%20
57 gbr Great Britain 100.0%10
57 pol Poland 100.0%10
57 urs Soviet Union 22100.0%00
rank nat.namescore 0 matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scored
1 aus Australia 11267 316 261.040
1 kor Korea Republic 113311 139 471.437
3 ita Italy 103316 314 431.342
4 mar Morocco 8152 49 90.625
4 egy Egypt 8154 38 171.121
4 jpn Japan 82812 412 381.437
7 hon Honduras 7195 410 221.240
7 nga Nigeria 72514 38 421.738
7 mex Mexico 72512 94 441.824
7 bra Brazil 74631 78 962.138
11 nzl New Zealand 6101 45 50.515
12 chn China PR 560 24 10.211
12 den Denmark 571 33 20.310
12 irq Iraq 5154 56 181.219
12 esp Spain 52515 55 401.622
16 qat Qatar 471 24 40.610
16 crc Costa Rica 472 14 60.915
16 rsa South Africa 491 26 91.015
16 tun Tunisia 491 44 80.916
16 gha Ghana 4135 44 191.518
21 ksa Saudi Arabia 390 09 70.823
21 par Paraguay 3105 23 171.714
21 chi Chile 3105 23 161.68
21 swe Sweden 3113 44 151.412
21 por Portugal 3135 35 171.325
21 usa USA 3215 97 301.431
21 arg Argentina 32818 55 501.820
28 fij Fiji 230 03 10.323
28 gua Guatemala 230 03 20.712
28 gab Gabon 230 21 10.33
28 uru Uruguay 231 02 20.74
28 rou Romania 231 11 10.34
28 mli Mali 241 21 51.34
28 kuw Kuwait 261 05 71.214
28 bel Belgium 263 03 71.210
28 col Colombia 271 33 101.415
28 civ Côte d'Ivoire 283 23 111.413
28 cmr Cameroon 2135 53 161.216
39 scg Serbia and Montenegro 130 03 31.014
39 hun Hungary 130 03 31.07
39 srb Serbia 130 12 31.07
39 gre Greece 130 12 41.37
39 sui Switzerland 130 12 20.74
39 nor Norway 131 11 31.02
39 ned Netherlands 141 21 41.04
39 can Canada 141 21 51.34
39 zam Zambia 142 11 102.56
39 urs Soviet Union 165 10 142.36
39 yug Yugoslavia 196 03 202.214
39 ger Germany FR 1106 13 262.610
39 fra France 1137 33 241.821
52 uae UAE 030 12 31.06
52 alg Algeria 030 12 41.36
52 cze Czech Republic 030 21 51.76
52 blr Belarus 031 02 31.06
52 svk Slovakia 031 02 41.36
52 sen Senegal 041 21 61.56
52 gbr Great Britain 042 20 61.53
52 pol Poland 064 11 172.86
52 ger Germany 094 41 283.113
rank nat.namelost scored 0 matcheswondrawlost scorelost scoredave.
1 bra Brazil 234631 78 96380.8
2 kor Korea Republic 163311 139 47371.1
3 esp Spain 132515 55 40220.9
3 arg Argentina 132818 55 50200.7
5 ita Italy 113316 314 43421.3
6 jpn Japan 102812 412 38371.3
7 mex Mexico 82512 94 44241.0
8 nga Nigeria 72514 38 42381.5
9 ger Germany FR 5106 13 26101.0
9 irq Iraq 5154 56 18191.3
11 usa USA 4215 97 30311.5
11 aus Australia 4267 316 26401.5
13 pol Poland 364 11 1761.0
13 den Denmark 371 33 2101.4
13 ger Germany 394 41 28131.4
13 nzl New Zealand 3101 45 5151.5
13 par Paraguay 3105 23 17141.4
13 chi Chile 3105 23 1680.8
13 swe Sweden 3113 44 15121.1
13 cmr Cameroon 3135 53 16161.2
13 fra France 3137 33 24211.6
13 mar Morocco 3152 49 9251.7
13 hon Honduras 3195 410 22402.1
24 rou Romania 231 11 141.3
24 nor Norway 231 11 320.7
24 ned Netherlands 241 21 441.0
24 mli Mali 241 21 541.0
24 zam Zambia 242 11 1061.5
24 bel Belgium 263 03 7101.7
24 urs Soviet Union 265 10 1461.0
24 crc Costa Rica 272 14 6152.1
24 civ Côte d'Ivoire 283 23 11131.6
24 por Portugal 2135 35 17251.9
24 gha Ghana 2135 44 19181.4
24 egy Egypt 2154 38 17211.4
36 gab Gabon 130 21 131.0
36 blr Belarus 131 02 362.0
36 sen Senegal 141 21 661.5
36 gbr Great Britain 142 20 630.8
36 chn China PR 160 24 1111.8
36 qat Qatar 171 24 4101.4
36 col Colombia 171 33 10152.1
36 rsa South Africa 191 26 9151.7
36 tun Tunisia 191 44 8161.8
36 yug Yugoslavia 196 03 20141.6
46 fij Fiji 030 03 1237.7
46 scg Serbia and Montenegro 030 03 3144.7
46 gua Guatemala 030 03 2124.0
46 hun Hungary 030 03 372.3
46 srb Serbia 030 12 372.3
46 uae UAE 030 12 362.0
46 gre Greece 030 12 472.3
46 sui Switzerland 030 12 241.3
46 alg Algeria 030 12 462.0
46 cze Czech Republic 030 21 562.0
46 uru Uruguay 031 02 241.3
46 svk Slovakia 031 02 462.0
46 can Canada 041 21 541.0
46 kuw Kuwait 061 05 7142.3
46 ksa Saudi Arabia 090 09 7232.6

Score 1984 - 2021 Ave. Score x Ave. Lost-Scored