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Ryuichi Komazawa
All-Time Record
Result of Player Played
Game Ranking
Head to Head
vs Teams
vs Head Coaches
Result by Season

jpnRyuichi Komazawa

Result by Season All-Time Record Result of Player Played Game Ranking Head to Head Formation

Season Stats

Matches Points ave. Won % Score ave. Lost Score ave. Age ave. Change Time ave.
4 1.50 50.0 0.75 1.25 17.8 67.4 matcheswondrawlost scoreave.lost scoredave. age ave. change time ave.
Takamadonomiya JFA U-18 Premier League Play-Off jpn Nihon Bunri High School 1 00 1 0 0.0 1 1.0 17.8 75.5
Japan Highschool Soccer Tournament jpn Nihon Bunri High School 3 20 1 3 1.0 4 1.3 17.8 66.1


2022.12.09 Nihon Bunri High School 0-1 Kyoto Sanga F.C. U-18 Player Age ave. 17.8 Change Time ave. 75.5min.
2022.12.29 Nihon Bunri High School 2-1 Rissho University Shonan High School Player Age ave. 17.8 Change Time ave. 72.8min.
2022.12.31 Seiritsu Gakuen High School 0-1 Nihon Bunri High School Player Age ave. 17.8 Change Time ave. 70.0min.
2023.01.02 Nihon Bunri High School 0-3 Ohzu High School Player Age ave. 17.7 Change Time ave. 54.8min.